

I welcome graduate students who are enthusiastic about research in Statistics and Data Science to drop by and chat about your thoughts, while solid theoretical and computational backgrounds are necessary for conducting high-quality research. Listed below are the students and postdoc fellows at PKU.

PhD Students
Undergraduate Students
Postdoc Fellows

With Yang Zhou finishing his postdoc term, I am currently recruiting PhD graduates for postdoc positions.

Some Recent Students or Postdocs

Lingxuan Shao (PhD at PKU for 2018—22): Assistant Professor in Statistics and Data Science at Fudan Univ.

Ying Yang (PhD at PKU for 2017—22): Junior Research Fellow in the Center for Applied Mathematics at Fudan University (2024.8—present); Postdoc fellow in Academy of Mathematics and System Science at Chinese Academy of Sciences (2022.8-2024.7).

Hang Zhou (PhD at PKU for 2017—22): Postdoc Fellow in Statistics at UC Davis.

Yang Zhou (Postdoc at PKU for 2020—22): Assistant Professor in School of Statistics at Beijing Normal University.

Xiaoyu Hu (PhD at PKU for 2016—21): Postdoc Fellow in the Department of Statistics and Data Science at National University of Singapore.

Huiming Zhang (PhD at PKU for 2016—20): Associate Professor in Intitute of AI at Beihang University.

Decai Liang (PhD at PKU for 2015—20): Assistant Professor in the School of Statistics and Data Science at Nankai University.

Kaijie Xue (PhD at University of Toronto for 2013-18): Assistant Professor in the School of Statistics and Data Science at Nankai University.

Zhenhua Lin (PhD at University of Toronto for 2013-17): Presidential Young Professor in the Department of Statistics and Data Science at National University of Singapore.