
Publications and Preprints

  1. Cohomological Milnor formula and Saito's conjecture on characteristic classes (with Yigeng Zhao), Inventiones Mathematicae, 2025.02.03, 69 pages. (Here is the ArXiv version)
  2. On Swan classes of contructible sheaves (with Yigeng Zhao)
  3. Characteristic cycles and non-acyclicity classes for constructible etale sheaves (with Jiangnan Xiong), PDF
  4. The quadratic Artin conductor of a motivic spectrum (with Fangzhou Jin), ArXiv
  5. The pro-Chern-Schwarz-MacPherson class in Borel-Moore motivic homology (with Fangzhou Jin and Peng Sun), ArXiv
  6. Some results on the motivic nearby cycle(with Fangzhou Jin), preprint.
  7. Kunneth formulas for motives and additivity of traces (with Fangzhou Jin). Advances in Mathematics 376 (2021) 107446,83 pages.
  8. Characteristic class and the epsilon factor of an etale sheaf (with Naoya Umezaki and Yigeng Zhao), Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. 373 (2020):6887-6927.
  9. On the Relative Twist Formula of ℓ-adic Sheaves (with Yigeng Zhao), Acta Mathematica Sinica, 2021, Vol.37, No.1, pp.73-94.
  10. Motivic singular support (with Denis-Charles Cisinski), preprint.
  11. Relative singular support and the semi-continuity of characteristic cycles for etale sheaves (with Haoyu Hu), Selecta Mathematica, Volume 24,Issue 3,(2018):2235-2273. PDF
  12. Semi-continuity for total dimension divisors of etale sheaves (with Haoyu Hu), International Journal of Mathematics, Volume 28, Issue 01, 2017. PDF
  13. Logarithmic version of the Milnor formula, Asian Journal of Mathematics, Volume 21, No. 3 (2017). PDF
  14. Derivatives of Siegel modular forms and modular connections, Manuscripta Mathematica, January 2015, Volume 146, Issue 1, pp 65–84(with Linsheng Yin). PDF
  15. On the GL(r)×GL(r+s) ×GL(s) convolution, Journal of Number Theory 134, 2014:130-141(with Li Sun). PDF

Grants (招募博后,欢迎邮件咨询!!!)

  1. NSFC general program 12271006, 2023-2026, Quadratic invariants in geometric ramification.
  2. National Key R&D Program 2021YFA1001400, 2022-2026, L-functions and characteristic classes of varieties.
  3. NSFC young scientists fund 11901008, 2020-2022, On the ramified twist formula for epsilon factors of l-adic sheaves.

Conference Publications

  1. Logarithmic version of the Milnor formula (research announcement), RIMS Kokyuroku Besstasu, Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2014. PDF

Lecture Notes

  1. Research statement: Geometric Ramification Theory.
    1. 2018 version
    2. 2024 version
    3. 2024 中文版本
  2. Quadratic conductor formula/Milnor formula for motivic spectra. PDF
  3. Non-acyclicity classes. PDF1 ...PDF2 .......handWriting PDF
  4. Talks on the epsilon factors of l-adic etale sheaves. Jussieu SFB
  5. A blow up formula for Gysin pull-back. PDF (Appendix to the paper: Characteristic class and the epsilon factor of an etale sheaf)