Speaker:D.V. Millionshchikov (Moscow State University, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia)
Time:2020-05-11 15:00 (北京时间)
Zoom Conference: //zoom.us/j/93054523453?pwd=L1dOUmNja1d4K3N6eTFxdHE3UWpaZz09
Conference ID: 930 5452 3453
Password: 029556
Abstract: The problems of invariant geometry on a nilmanifold G/Γ can be reduced to studying the corresponding algebraic structures on a nilpotent Lie algebra g, which corresponds to the one-connected nilpotent Lie group G. As nilpotent Lie algebras we will consider the so-called narrow positively graded Lie algebras g = ⊕ g_i , dim g_i ≤ 2. We will focus on left-invariant: 1) symplectic structures; b) affine structures and c) complex structures on G/Γ, and discuss the various classification lists of narrow positively graded Lie algebras that arose during such research.