

发文时间:2020-10-25 撰稿人:

[1]    On the limit of a sequence of point sets. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.  41(1935)  502-504.

[2]    A note on the indices and numbers of nondegenerate critical points of biharmonic functions (with Kiang Tsai-han). Science Quarterly, Nat.  Univ. Peking,(3)  5(1935) 389-392.

[3]    Contribution to the theory of “Student's” T-test as applied to the problem of two samples.  Statist. Res. Mem. 2(1938)  1-24.

[4]   On the best unbiased quadratic estimate of the variance.

   Statist. Res. Mem. 2(1938)  91-104.

[5]    Notes on Hotelling's generalized T. Ann. Math. Statist. 9(1938) 231- 243.

[6]   On the distribution of roots of certain determinantal equations.  Ann. Eugenics.  9(1939)  250-258.

[7]   A new proof of the joint product moment distribution.

   Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.  35(1940)  336-338.

[8]   On n-Fold iterated limits. J. Chinese Math. Soc. 2(1940)


[9]   An algebraic derivation of the distribution of rectangular

   coordinates.  Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 6(1940)


[10] On generalized analysis of variance.Biometrika .31(1940)  221-237.

[11] On the limiting distribution of roots of a determinantal

    equation.  J.London Math. Soc. 16 (1941)  183-194.

[12] On the limiting distribution of the canonical correlations.

Biometrika. 32(1941)  38- 45.

[13] Analysis of variance from the power function standpoint.

    Biometrika  32(1941) 62-69.

[14] Canonical reduction of the general regression problem.

    Ann. Eugenics 11(1941) 42-46.

[15] On the problem of rank and the limiting distribution of

    Fisher's test function. Ann. Eugenics 11(1941) 39-41.

[16] The limiting distribution of a general class of statistics.

    Acad. Sinica Science Record .1(1942)  37-41.

[17] Some simple facts about the separation of degrees of

freedom in factorial experiments. Sankhya 6(1943)


[18] The approximate distribution of the mean and variance of

    a sample of independent variables. Ann.Math.Statist

    16(1945). 1-29.

[19] On the approximate distribution of ratios. Ann. Math.

    Statist. 16(1945)    204-210.

[20] On the power functions for the E-test and the T-test. Ann.

    Math. Statist.    16(1945) 278-286.

[21] On a factorization of pseudo-orthogonal matrices. Quart.

    J. Math.  Oxford Ser. 17(1946) 162-165.

[22] Sur un theoreme de probabilite denombrables (with Kai-

    Lai Chung).C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris  223(1946),467- 469.

[23] On the asymptotic distribution of certain statistics used in

testing the independence between successive  

observations from a normal  population.  Ann. Math.

Statist. 17(1946)  350-354.

[24] Complete convergence and the law of large numbers.

(with H. Robbins) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 33(1947)


[25] The limiting distributions of functions of sample means

and application  to testing hypotheses.Proc. Berkeley

Symp. Math. Statist.   Probability(1949) 359-402.

Univ. of California Press, Berkeley and Los  Angeles.

[26] 绝对动差与特征函数 .数学学报.1 (1951) 257-280.

[27]   独立机变数的化简系数. 科学记录.4(1951)


[28]      Appendix: The Jacobians of certain matrix

transformations useful in multivariate analysis. (Based

on lectures of P.L.Hsu at The University of North

Caralina, 1947. By Walter L. Deemer and Ingram Olkin)

Biometrica 38(1951),345-367.

[29]      On symmetric, orthogonal, and skew-symmetric

     matrices.  Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. Ser. 2(1953)


[30]   在零点的邻区内彼此相等的特征函数.数学学报.4

    (1954) 21-32.

[31] 论矩阵的一种变换. 数学学报. 5 (1955) 333-346.

[31]   论矩阵偶的一种变换 .伊人直播 学报(自然科学版)

     1(1955) 1-16

[32]   一个厄密方阵及一个对称或斜称方阵的联合变换.

    伊人直播 学报(自然科学版). 3 (1957) 167-209.

[33]   L族内的分布函数的绝对连续性. 伊人直播 学报

    (自然科学版). 4 (1958)  145-150.

[34]   欧氏空间上纯间断的时齐马可夫过程的概率转移函

     数的可微性. 伊人直播 学报(自然科学版).4 (1958),


[35]   一个不是方案的结合方案,其s=6. 数学

     学报,14(1964)  177-178.

[37] 变序的项的极限分布(以”班成署名发表).

     数学学报 14  694-714.

[38] 部分平衡不完全区组设计(以”班成署名发表).数学

     进展 .7 (1964) 240--281.

[39] A general weak Limit theorem for independent

     distributions.(Appendix III in limit Theorems

     of Sums of Independent Random Variables by B.V.

     Gnedenko and A.N.Kolmogorov, translated by

     K.L.Chung, revised  edition, Addison-Wesley


[40] 随机矩阵的重合性质 (合作者:陈家鼎,郑忠国).

    伊人直播 学报(自然科学版). 15 (1979) 21-47.

[41] BIB矩阵与单纯码及正交码(遗稿) . 许宝騄文集.

     科学出版社(1981). 211-225.

[42] 许宝騄文集,科学出版社 (1981).北京.

[43] 抽样论, 伊人直播 出版社 ( 1982). 北京

[44] Pao-Lu Hsu Collected Papers, Springer-VerLag

              (1983) .New York.

[45] Studies in Markoff chains with a finite number

      of states.应用概率统计.6(1990) 342-353.