## Programs for Applied Time Series Analysis Course ## setwd() source('//yrzhibo.com/teachers/xirb/Courses/TimeSeries/code/data.r') ## 2012秋期末考试成绩 demo.2012exam <- function(){ ss <- " 75 61 92 76 76 75 85 90 92 91 82 78 86 90 75 93 61 89 74 57 93 30 70 75 71 82 96 79 69 63 50 77 94 79 84 76 62 89 85 94 72 65 82 86 89 71 77 79 98 91 67 96 100 74 79 84 78 72 56 92 83 95 62 79 83 88 54 20 94 84 74 77 67 82 89 48 40 46 " y <- scan(textConnection(ss), quiet=TRUE) y <- sort(y) cat('\n\n') cat('========== 2012秋季学期期末成绩分布 =============\n') print(y) f1 <- cut(y, c(0, 60, 85, 100)) cat('\n\n') print(table(f1)) hist(y, breaks=c(0, 60, 85, 100)) } fig.flood <- function(){ pdf('flood-data.pdf', width=15/2.54, height=15/2.54, family='GB1') on.exit(dev.off()) opar <- par(mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0)) plot(flood.area1, lty=1, ylim=c(0,400), axes=FALSE, main='洪水灾害数据', xlab='年', ylab='面积(万亩)') box() axis(2) axis(1, at=seq(1948,1964,by=2)) lines(flood.area2, lty=2) legend(1959, 380, lty=c(1,2), legend=c('受灾面积', '成灾面积')) } demo.flood <- function(){ opar <- par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0)) on.exit(par(opar)) plot(flood.area1, lty=1, ylim=c(0,400), axes=FALSE, main='洪水灾害数据', xlab='年', ylab='面积(万亩)') box() axis(2) axis(1, at=seq(1948,1964,by=2)) lines(flood.area2, lty=2) legend(1959, 380, lty=c(1,2), legend=c('受灾面积', '成灾面积')) } ## recode a factor using 0-1 matrix factor.matrix <- function(y){ y <- factor(y) n <- length(y) K <- length(levels(y)) r <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=K) r[cbind(seq(n), as.numeric(y))] <- 1 r } demo.coal.data <- function(make.pdf=FALSE){ if(make.pdf){ pdf('coal-data.pdf', width=15/2.54, height=15/2.54, family='GB1') opar <- par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0)) on.exit(dev.off()) } else { opar <- par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0)) on.exit(par(opar)) } y <- coal.consumption plot(y, lty=1, type='b', main='居民季度用煤消耗量', xlab='年', ylab='消耗量(吨)') } # 线性趋势加固定点周期项回归的程序 decomp.det1 <- function(y, log.trans=F){ y0 <- y if(log.trans){ y <- log(y0) } n <- length(y) s <- frequency(y) x1 <- 1:n if(s>1){ x2 <- factor.matrix(cycle(y)) x <- cbind(x1, x2[,-s]) colnames(x) <- c("t", paste("s", 1:(s-1), sep="")) } else { x <- cbind(x1) colnames(x) <- "t" } lm.res <- lm(c(y) ~ x) y.fitted <- predict(lm.res) tr <- coef(lm.res)[1] + coef(lm.res)[2]*x1 if(log.trans){ y.fitted <- exp(y.fitted) tr <- exp(tr) } y.fitted <- ts(y.fitted, start=start(y), frequency=frequency(y)) tr <- ts(tr, start=start(y), frequency=frequency(y)) print(lm.res) plot(y0, ylab="") lines(y.fitted, col="blue") lines(tr, col="red") list(y=y0, y.fitted=y.fitted, coefs=lm.res) } demo.coal <- function(){ oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.5, 0.5, 0), oma=c(0,0,2,0)) on.exit(par(oldpar)) y <- coal.consumption ymore <- ts(c(y), start=start(y), frequency=4) ymat <- matrix(c(y), byrow=TRUE, nrow=6, ncol=4) cols <- rainbow(20) ic <- 1 ## 用同季度的值平均得到四个季节项 get.season <- function(yd){ # input: Detrended series ymat <- matrix(c(yd), byrow=TRUE, ncol=4) ## season seas0 <- apply(ymat, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE) seas0 } ## 画去除趋势后的序列、季节项和随机项 plot.season <- function(yd, seas0){ # input: Detrended series ## season seas <- rep(seas0, 6) seas <- ts(seas, start=c(1991,1), frequency=4) ## Error r <- c(yd) - seas r <- ts(r, frequency=4, start=c(1991,1)) plot(yd, type='b', lwd=2, main="Detrended Series(black), Seasonal(red) and Random(cyan)", xlim=c(1991,1997)) abline(v=1991:1997, col="gray") abline(h=0, col="gray") lines(seas, type="l", col="red") lines(r, type="l", col="cyan") } ## 用每年的平均值作为趋势项估计, 季度平均作为季节项 tr0 <- apply(ymat, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE) tr <- rep(tr0, each=4) tr <- ts(tr, frequency=4, start=c(1991,1)) y.detrended <- y - tr seas0 <- get.season(y.detrended) tr.more <- ts(c(tr), start=start(y), frequency=4) seas.more <- ts(rep(seas0, 6), start=start(y), frequency=4) y.pred <- tr.more + seas.more plot(ymore, main="Series(black), Year average trend(red), Fit(green)", lwd=2, type="b", col="black",xlim=c(1991,1997)) abline(v=1991:1997, col="gray") lines(tr.more, col="red", type="l") lines(y.pred, col="green", type="l") plot.season(y.detrended, seas0) mtext("每年平均值趋势,季度平均季节项", outer=TRUE) locator(1) ## 用时间的线性回归作为趋势项估计, 季度平均作为季节项 ## linear trend method. yy <- c(y) tt <- seq(length(y)) lmr <- lm(yy ~ tt) tr.more <- ts(predict(lmr, new.data=list(tt=seq(length(y)+4))), frequency=4, start=c(1991,1)) ## season y.detrended <- y - tr.more[1:length(y)] seas0 <- get.season(y.detrended) seas.more <- ts(rep(seas0, 6), start=start(y), frequency=4) y.pred <- tr.more + seas.more plot(ymore, main="Series(black), Linear trend(red) and Fit(green)", lwd=2, type="b", col="black",xlim=c(1991,1997)) lines(tr.more, col="red", type="l") lines(y.pred, col="green", type="l") plot.season(y.detrended, seas0) mtext("线性回归趋势,季度平均季节项", outer=TRUE) locator(1) ## 二次曲线趋势 yy <- c(y) tt <- seq(length(y)) lmr <- lm(yy ~ tt + I(tt^2)) tr.more <- ts(predict(lmr, new.data=list(tt=seq(length(y)+4))), frequency=4, start=c(1991,1)) ## season y.detrended <- y - tr.more[1:length(y)] seas0 <- get.season(y.detrended) seas.more <- ts(rep(seas0, 6), start=start(y), frequency=4) y.pred <- tr.more + seas.more plot(ymore, main="Series(black), Quadratic trend(red) and Fit(cyan)", lwd=2, type="b", col="black",xlim=c(1991,1997)) lines(tr.more, col="red", type="l") lines(y.pred, col="green", type="l") plot.season(y.detrended, seas0) mtext("二次曲线回归趋势,季度平均季节项", outer=TRUE) locator(1) ## 加权移动平均趋势, c(1/8, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/8) filter yy <- c(y) tr <- ts(filter(yy, c(1/8, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/8), method="convolution"), frequency=4, start=c(1991,1)) ind2 <- max(which(!is.na(tr))) tr.more <- ts(c(tr), start=start(y), frequency=4) tr.more[(ind2+1):length(tr.more)] <- tr.more[ind2] y.detrended <- y - tr.more[1:length(y)] seas0 <- get.season(y.detrended) seas.more <- ts(rep(seas0, 6), start=start(y), frequency=4) y.pred <- tr.more + seas.more plot(ymore, main="Series(black), MA trend(red), Fit(green)", lwd=2, type="b", col="black",xlim=c(1991,1997)) abline(v=1991:1997, col="gray") lines(tr.more, col="red", type="l") lines(y.pred, col="green", type="l") plot.season(y.detrended, seas0) mtext("加权移动平均趋势,季度平均季节项", outer=TRUE) } demo.harmonic.series <- function(n=30){ cols <- rainbow(n) U <- -pi + 2*pi*runif(n) a <- pi/3 b <- 1 T <- 0:30 for(ii in seq(n)){ X <- b* cos(a*T + U[ii]) if(ii==1){ plot(T, X, xlab='t', ylab='X(t)', type='l') } else { lines(T, X, col=cols[ii]) } locator(1) } } ## Poisson WN. demo.pois <- function(){ lambda <- 2.0 n <- 60 y <- ts(rpois(n, lambda) - lambda) plot(y, main="Poisson White Noise") invisible(y) } ## Normal WN. demo.norm <- function(){ n <- 60 y <- ts(rnorm(n)) plot(y, main="Gaussian White Noise") invisible(y) } ## Random phase harmonic WN demo.harmonic <- function(){ n <- 60 b <- sqrt(2.0) aa <- c(4.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.1) tt <- seq(n) for(a in aa){ y <- ts( b * cos(a*tt + 2*pi*runif(n)) ) plot(y, main=paste("Random harmonic WN: a=", a, sep="")) locator(1) } invisible(y) } ## rectangle window MA filtering for harmonic + noise demo.mafilt <- function(b=3, M=3){ n <- 100 ##om <- pi/7 om <- pi/12 sigma <- 1.0 eps <- rnorm(n, 0, sigma) sn0 <- b^2 / (2*sigma^2) tt <- seq(n) u <- runif(1) signal <- b * cos(om*tt + 2*pi*u) y <- signal + eps filt <- rep(1/(2*M+1), 2*M+1) yf <- filter(y, filt, method="convolution") rg <- range(c(y, yf)) sn <- round(b^2 / (2*sigma^2), 3) plot(tt, y, main=paste("MA filter: SN=", sn, sep=""), type="l", xlab='time', ylab='y', xlim=c(0,120), ylim=c(-b*1.5,b*1.5)) lines(tt, signal, col="green", lwd=2) lines(tt, yf, col="red", lwd=2) legend(100, b*1.5, lty=c(1,1,1), lwd=c(1,2,2), col=c("black", "green", "red"), legend=c("序列", "信号", "滤波")) } demo.flute <- function(){ require(seewave) require(sound) ##opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,1,0.2), mgp=c(2,1,0)) ##on.exit(par(opar)) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## 用Audacity打开后播放,播放三个片段。 ## 显示频谱。 mus <- loadSample("music/01music-demo2.wav") print(mus) f <- rate(mus) ## mi1: 1秒长的一段C5音阶。 mi1 <- cutw(mus, from=0.125, to=1.125, Sample=TRUE, output="Wave") ## mi1a: 0.05秒长的一段C5音阶。 mi1a <- cutw(mus, from=0.500, to=0.5500, Sample=TRUE) ## so: 0.23秒长的一段D#5音阶。 so <- cutw(mus, from=1.190, to=1.420, Sample=TRUE, output="Wave") ## mi2: 第二段长度为1.02秒长的C5音阶。 mi2 <- cutw(mus, from=1.640, to=2.660, Sample=TRUE, output="Wave") ## cutw 取出声音片段。结果为一列的矩阵(列向量)。 ## 显示0.05秒的序列图。标题中的f=22050是采样频率。 ## 音阶是C5(523Hz)。 oscillo(mi1a, f=f, title='0.05秒的声音时间序列图') locator(1) ## 对0.05秒的C5音阶录音做加窗谱估计。 spec.pgram(ts(mi1a, freq=f), spans=c(5,7), xlim=c(0,10000), main="用spec.pgram进行谱估计", xlab="") locator(1) ## 二维谱线图,动态显示随时间变化的主要谱峰位置。 ## 横坐标是时间,纵坐标是震动频率,颜色为在该事件、该频率上的振幅 ## (注意同一时刻只有一个主要频率有振幅) ## 能看出C5--D#5--C5的频率主峰变化。 spectro(mus, f=f, flim=c(0,2), main="动态谱峰图") locator(1) ##saveSample(mi1, filename="music/91mi1.wav") ## 直接生成一段单音,C5,523Hz. f <- 8000 ## 采样频率8kHz。 ## timey: 为[0,1]中等间隔8000个点。采样频率8000Hz。 timey <- seq(0,1, length=f*1) ## y: 直接用sin函数生成的523Hz单音,向量长度为8000个点,组成1秒钟。 y <- sin(2*pi*523*timey) ## repw函数把普通向量转换为声音,指定采样频率并可以用times指定重复。 mip <- repw(y, f=f, times=1, Sample=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## 523Hz单音用8000Hz采样后的时间序列图。其中的0.05秒。 oscillo(cutw(mip, f=f, from=0, to=0.05, Sample=TRUE), f=f, title='直接用sin函数生成523Hz单音') locator(1) ## 对人造523Hz单音做加窗谱估计。 spec.pgram(ts(mip, freq=f), spans=c(5,7), xlim=c(0,2000), main="频率523Hz单音(C)的谱估计", xlab="") abline(v=523, col="red") locator(1) ## 人造单音的动态频谱图。 spectro(mip, f=f, flim=c(0,1.0), main="523Hz单音(C)的动态谱峰图") ##saveSample(mip, filename="music/91mi-pure.wav") ## 播放生成的单音。音调与mi1相同但有明显的电子味道。 } ## 人为生成:262Hz(C4)单音, 1568Hz(G6)单音; ## C4+C5复音,G6+G5复音。 demo.song <- function(){ require(seewave) ##require(sound) oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,1,0.2), mgp=c(2,1,0)) on.exit(par(oldpar)) freq1 <- 262 # C4 freq1b <- 523 # C5 freq2 <- 1568 # G6 freq2b <- 784 # G5 f <- 8000 # 采样频率 dur <- 1 # 长度描述 ## 直接生成一段单音,低音C,262Hz. y1 <- sin(2*pi*freq1*seq(0,1, length=f*dur)) sa1 <- repw(y1, f=f, times=1, Sample=TRUE) ## 画人造C4单音时间序列图。0.02秒长。 oscillo(cutw(sa1, f=f, from=0, to=0.02, Sample=TRUE), f=f, title='低音C单音') ## 画人造C4单音加窗谱估计。 spec.pgram(ts(sa1, freq=f), spans=c(5,7), xlim=c(0,4000), main="", xlab="") abline(v=freq1, col="red") ##saveSample(sa1, filename="music/92C262-pure.wav") ## 直接生成一段单音,高音G,1568Hz. y2 <- sin(2*pi*freq2*seq(0,1, length=f*dur)) sa2 <- repw(y2, f=f, times=1, Sample=TRUE) oscillo(cutw(sa2, f=f, from=0, to=0.02, Sample=TRUE), f=f, title='高音G单音') spec.pgram(ts(sa2, freq=f), spans=c(5,7), xlim=c(0,4000), main="", xlab="") abline(v=freq2, col="red") ##saveSample(sa2, filename="music/92G1568-pure.wav") locator(1) newpar <- par(oldpar) ## 画人造C4单音动态频谱图。 spectro(sa1, f=f, flim=c(0,2.0), main="262Hz单音(C4)的动态谱峰图") locator(1) ## 画人造G6单音动态频谱图。 spectro(sa2, f=f, flim=c(0,2.0), main="1568Hz单音(G6)的动态谱峰图") locator(1) par(newpar) ## 生成复音。 ## C4+C5, 以C4为主(振幅比值为2)。 y1b <- 0.5*sin(2*pi*freq1b*seq(0,1, length=f*dur)) sa1b <- repw((y1+y1b)/2, f=f, times=1, Sample=TRUE) oscillo(cutw(sa1b, f=f, from=0, to=0.02, Sample=TRUE), f=f, title='低音C和中音C的复音') spec.pgram(ts(sa1b, freq=f), spans=c(5,7), xlim=c(0,4000), main="", xlab="") abline(v=c(freq1,freq1b), col="red") ##saveSample(sa1b, filename="music/92C262-523-pure.wav", overwrite=TRUE) ## 生成复音。 ## G6+G5, 以G6为主(振幅比值为2)。 y2b <- 0.5*sin(2*pi*freq2b*seq(0,1, length=f*dur)) sa2b <- repw((y2+y2b)/2, f=f, times=1, Sample=TRUE) oscillo(cutw(sa2b, f=f, from=0, to=0.02, Sample=TRUE), f=f, title='高音G和中音G的复音') spec.pgram(ts(sa2b, freq=f), spans=c(5,7), xlim=c(0,4000), main="", xlab="") abline(v=c(freq2,freq2b), col="red") locator(1) ##saveSample(sa2b, filename="music/92G1568-784-pure.wav", overwrite=TRUE) newpar <- par(oldpar) ## 画人造C4+C5复音音动态频谱图。 spectro(sa1b, f=f, flim=c(0,2.0), main="C4+C5复音的动态谱峰图") locator(1) ## 画人造G6+G5复音动态频谱图。 spectro(sa2b, f=f, flim=c(0,2.0), main="G6+G5复音的动态谱峰图") invisible() } ## 频域观点:低频与高频 demo.freq.domain <- function(){ oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2)); on.exit(par(oldpar)) m <- 10 n <- 100+m+1 fil <- rep(1/(m+1), m+1) eps <- rnorm(n) x <- filter(eps, fil, method="convolution", sides=1) eps <- eps[-seq(m+1)] x <- x[-seq(m+1)] ts.plot(x, col="black", main="Low frequency t.s.", xlab="time", ylab="y") fr <- seq(0, pi, length=100) sp <- numeric(length(fr)) for(j in seq(along=fr)){ sp[j] <- abs(sum(complex(mod=1, arg=-(0:m)*fr[j])))^2 } sp <- sp/(2*pi*(m+1)^2) plot(fr, sp, type='l', main="Spectral density of LOW frequency t.s.", xlab="Frequency", ylab="Density") ## high frequency r0 <- complex(mod=1.1, arg=4/5*pi) poly1 <- c(1, -2*Re(r0), Mod(r0)^2) poly2 <- poly1 / poly1[3] poly2 <- rev(poly2) print(poly2) eps <- rnorm(n+100) y <- numeric(length(eps)) for(j in 3:length(y)){ y[j] = -poly2[2]*y[j-1] - poly2[3]*y[j-2] + eps[j] } y <- y[-seq(100)] ts.plot(y, main="High frequency t.s.", xlab="time", ylab="y") sp2 <- numeric(length(fr)) for(j in seq(along=fr)){ sp2[j] <- abs(sum(poly2 * complex(mod=1, arg=(0:2)*fr[j])))^2 } sp2 <- 1/(2*pi) / sp2 plot(fr, sp2, type='l', main="Spectral density of HIGH frequency t.s.", xlab="Frequency", ylab="Density") } ### 1.8节的单个频率的调和平稳序列的谱函数图形。 dspec <- function(){ pdf(file='181.pdf', width=12/2.54, height=8/2.54) opar <- par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2, 0, 0, 0), mgp=c(0,0,0)) on.exit({par(opar);dev.off()}) plot(c(-pi-0.5, pi+0.5), c(-0.1, 1.35), type="n", axes=F, main="", xlab="", ylab="") arrows(-pi-0.5, 0, pi+0.5, 0, lwd=2, length=0.1) arrows(0, -0.1, 0, 1.15, lwd=2, length=0.1) text(0.15, -0.06, "O") lines(c(-pi, -pi), c(0, 0.02)) lines(c(pi, pi), c(0, 0.02)) text(-pi, -0.06, expression(-pi)) text(pi, -0.06, expression(pi)) lam0 <- 2 lines(c(-lam0, -lam0), c(0, 0.02)) lines(c(lam0, lam0), c(0, 0.02)) text(-lam0, -0.08, expression(-lambda[0])) text(lam0, -0.06, expression(lambda[0])) lines(c(-0.07,0.07), c(1,1)) text(-0.2, 1.02, expression(sigma^2)) lines(c(-pi, -lam0), c(0,0), lwd=3) points(-lam0, 0, pch=1, cex=1.5) points(-lam0, 0.5, pch=16, cex=1.5) lines(c(-lam0, lam0), c(0.5,0.5), lwd=3) points(lam0, 0.5, pch=1, cex=1.5) points(lam0, 1, pch=16, cex=1.5) lines(c(lam0, pi), c(1,1), lwd=3) text(0.1, 1.2, expression(F(lambda))) } ##dspec() ### 美国泛美航空公司国际航班订票数(单位:千名) demo.airline.data <- function(){ opar <- par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0)) on.exit(par(opar)) data(AirPassengers) y <- AirPassengers cat("国际航班订票数(千人):\n") print(y) plot(y, main='国际航班订票数(千人)', ylab='') ## 开始点 cat("序列开始时间:\n") print(start(y)) cat("序列结束时间:\n") print(end(y)) cat("序列采样频率:\n") print(frequency(y)) browser() } ### Maine 1996.1--2006.8失业率 demo.Maine.data <- function(){ opar <- par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0)) on.exit(par(opar)) y <- Maine plot(y, main='Maine失业率', ylab='') } ### 用国际航班订票数据分解后的随机项演示谱峰 demo.month.spec <- function(){ opar <- par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(3,4,3,0.5), mgp=c(2,0.5,0)) on.exit(par(opar)) y <- AirPassengers res <- decompose(y) r <- res$random plot(r, main="航班数据的随机项") locator(1) r2 <- r[!is.na(r)] spec.ar(r2, main="谱密度估计") abline(v=1/12) text(0.12, 30, expression(1/12)) ## 说明:谱密度估计的纵轴用了对数刻度, ## 频率范围从0到0.5, 对应角频率的0到pi。 ## 角频率除以2\pi变成频率。 } ##demo.month.spec() demo01 <- function(){ demos <- list( "2012秋季期末突击分布"=demo.2012exam, "洪水灾害数据图"=demo.flood, "国际航班订票数据"=demo.airline.data, "Maine失业率数据"=demo.Maine.data, "煤炭消耗量数据"=demo.coal.data, "煤炭消耗量时间序列分解"=demo.coal, "调和平稳列"=demo.harmonic.series, "Poisson WN."=demo.pois, "Gaussian WN."=demo.norm, "Harmonic WN."=demo.harmonic, "矩形窗滑动平均滤波"=demo.mafilt, "笛子声音样本和频谱" = demo.flute, "人为正弦波声音和频谱" = demo.song, "低频时间序列和高频时间序列" = demo.freq.domain, "月度数据的谱密度" = demo.month.spec ) ndemos <- length(demos) prompts <- paste(" ", seq(ndemos), ". ", names(demos), "\n", sep="") cat("Demos of Chapter 1:\n", prompts) sel <- scan(n=1, quiet=TRUE) demos[[sel]]() }