注: 除特殊说明外,每次讨论班时间为周三下午1点到3点。
地点(Place) |
报告人 |
1 |
2017.2.15 |
1303 |
Introduction on Latex |
Meng Sun |
2017.2.22 |
1303 |
Capturing Stochastic and Real-Time Behavior in Connectors |
Yi Li, Xiyue Zhang, Yuanyi Ji and Meng Sun |
2017.3.1 |
1303 |
轨道交通列控系统的安全攸关软件 |
Haifeng Wang (BJTU) |
2017.3.8 |
1303 |
Abstraction and Mining of Traces to Explain Concurrency Bugs |
Saqib Nawaz |
2017.3.15 |
1303 |
Priority, Urgency, Fairness and Schedule in Reo |
Yi Li |
2017.3.22 |
1303 |
Toward Automatic Verification of Quantum Programs |
Mingsheng Ying (UTS) |
2017.3.29 |
1303 |
A Coalgebraic Treatment of Conditional Transition Systems with Upgrades |
Ai Liu |
2017.4.5 |
1303 |
Formalizing Hybrid Systems with Event-B and the Rodin Platform |
Wen Su (SHU) |
2017.4.12 |
1303 |
Group Presentation |
2017.4.19 |
1303 |
Group Presentation |
2016.4.26 |
1303 |
Different Semantic Models for Reo |
Yuanyi Ji |
12 |
2017.5.3 |
1303 |
Model Checking and Simulation for Stochastic Timed Systems |
Xiyue Zhang |
13 |
2017.5.10 |
1303 |
Automata and behaviors in categories of processes |
Shun Wang |
14 |
2017.5.17 |
1303 |
How to Give a Good Talk |
Meng Sun |
15 |
2017.5.24 |
1303 |
Face Recognition: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach |
Heyuan Xu |
16 |
2017.5.31 |
1303 |
Dependable Model Driven Development of CPS: From Stateflow Simulation to Verified Implementation |
Yu Jiang (THU) |
17 |
2017.6.7 |
1303 |
1. A Syntactic Approach to Polynomial Functors and Opertopes 2. Optimizing Backbone Filtering |
Pierre-Louis Curien (INRIA, University Paris 7, CNRS) Min Zhang (ECNU) |
18 |
2017.6.14 |
1303 |
Planning as Model Checking |
Yuteng Lu |
19 |
2017.6.21 |
20 |
2017.6.28 |
1303 |
A Formal Design Model of Cloud Services |
Guirong Fu |
21 |
2017.8.7 |
1569 |
Contract-based Automated Software Testing |
Yu Pei (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) |
22 |
2017.9.13 |
1303 |
Research Plan (2017-2021) |
Meng Sun |
23 |
2017.9.20 |
1303 |
工程数学的形式化 |
Zhiping Shi (CNU) |
24 |
2017.9.29(周五) |
1303 |
Formal Modeling in Software Design |
Luis S. Barbosa (Minho Univ.) |
25 |
2017.10.11 |
学校会议,讨论班暂停一次。 |
26 |
2017.10.18 |
1303 |
Report on CAV, FACS, FOCLASA and SEFM |
Yi Li |
27 |
2017.10.25 |
会议,讨论班暂停一次。 |
28 |
2017.11.3(周五) |
1303 |
PSpec-SQL:Enabling Fine-Grained Control for Distrubuted Data Analytics |
Fei He (THU) |
29 |
2017.11.8 |
1303 |
Formalized Engineering Mathematics and the Next Generation of Artificial Intelligence |
Gang Chen (CASIC) |
30 |
2017.11.15 |
1303 |
Modeling and Verification of Connectors in PVS |
Saqib Nawaz |
31 |
2017.11.23 |
LEDS会议,讨论班暂停一次。 |
32 |
2017.11.29 |
1303 |
Making Smart Contract Smarter |
Xiyue Zhang |
33 |
2017.12.6 |
数据专业教学会议,讨论班暂停一次。 |
34 |
2017.12.15 |
镜春园78号院77201 |
大规模概率并发实时系统模型检验项目会 |
33 |
2017.12.20 |
1303 |
How to Write a Good Paper and How to Get it Published? |
Meng Sun |