
Welcome to S4 Group!


Welcome to S4 group' blog! Our works are mainly focused on the theories, techniques and tools for making Complex Systems (such as Deep Learning Systems, Blockchain Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Quantum Systems, etc.) Safe, Secure and Smart.

More details of the group's research work can be found here.


Research Assistant Positions at Different Levels Available

We are currently looking for research assistants for the following 3 projects: 

"Trustworthiness Guarantee of Deep Learning Systems" 

"Key Technologies of Two-Layers Integrated Secure High Performance Blockchain Smart Contract Language" 

"Mediator-based Protocol-oriented Modeling Language Design and Tool Implementation" 

at postdoc/PhD level. The key criteria for the RA positions include good mathematical background and/or programming skills. The positions are available until the end of 2025 and applications for master students from international students are also welcome.

Undergraduate students from mathematics, computer science, information science or other related disciplines are also welcome to join my group for internship of research (more than 12 months). Please feel free to contact me.

In the past years I have received many requests for (2-months or less) summer internships from undergraduate students (both from other universities in China and from other countries). However, due to administrative reasons I will not have such summer internships for students (I am usually out of the campus in July and August for conference trips and academic visits). If you just want to get a short summer research experience, please try other groups.


AILA 2023

The 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Logic and Applications (AILA 2023) will be held in Changchun, China during August 5-6, 2023.

Submissions are welcome and can be made here.


Dr. Xiyue Zhang's Talk at Our Group

Dr. Xiyue Zhang from University of Oxford visited our group and gave a talk "Preimage Approximation for Neural Networks and Beyond" on July 6, 2023.

Details of the talk can be found here.


TASE 2023

The 17th International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2023) will be held in Bristol, UK during July 4-6, 2023. Meng Sun and Cristina David (University of Bristol) are PC co-Chairs of the conference.

Submissions are welcome and can be made via easychair. More information of the conference can be found here.


IJCNN 2023

The paper "Measuring Robustness of Deep Neural Networks from the Lens of Statistical Model Checking" by Hao Bu and Meng Sun was accepted by 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2023), which was held in Gold Coast, Australia on June 18-23, 2023. Hao Bu gave the talk at the conference.

More details of the conference can be found here.



The paper "Certifying Semantic Robustness of Deep Neural Networks" by Hao Bu and Meng Sun was accepted by the 27th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2023), which was held in Toulouse, France on June 14-16, 2023. Hao Bu gave the talk at the conference.

More details of the conference can be found here.


Dr. Xiaofei Xie's Talk at Our Group

Dr. Xiaofei Xie from Singapore Management University visited our group and gave a talk "Towards Quality Assurance of Intelligent Software" on June 13, 2023.

Details of the talk can be found here.


Congratulations to Yuteng and Weidi!

Two PhD students in our group, Yuteng Lu and Weidi Sun, and the master student Yi Li, have successfully defended their thesis successfully. Congratulations to them all! 


Dr. Jiachi Chen's Talk at Our Group

Dr. Jiachi Chen from Sun Yat-sen University gave a talk "Definition and Detection of Defects in NFT Smart Contracts" online on May 24, 2023.

Details of the talk can be found here.


Meng Sun's Talk at SEU


Meng Sun visited Prof. Bixin Li's group at Southeast University and gave a talk "All the Scenes on Earth Fade——When Blockchain Embraces Formal Verification" on May 21, 2023.


CSIAM-BTAF 2023 at Haikou


The CSIAM Blockchain Technologies and Applications Forum was held at Hainan University, Haikou, on May 19-21, 2023. Meng Sun was elected as the standing committee member of the CSIAM Blockchain Professional Committee at the annual meeting of the committee.


DeepPatch: A Patching-Based Method for Repairing Deep Neural Networks


The paper "DeepPatch: A Patching-Based Method for Repairing Deep Neural Networks" by Hao Bu and Meng Sun was accepted by DeepTest 2023, a workshop co-located with the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023) which was held in Melbourne, Australia on May 15, 2023. Hao Bu gave the talk at the workshop.

More details of the workshop can be found here.


FSEN 2023

The paper "kProp: Multi-Neuron Relaxation Method for Neural Network Robustness Verification" by Xiaoyong Xue, Xiyue Zhang and Meng Sun was accepted by 10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN 2023), which will be held in Tehran, Iran during May 3-5, 2023.

More details of the conference can be found here.


Dr. Chuchu Fan's Talk at Our Group

Dr. Chuchu Fan from MIT gave a talk "Synthesis and Design Optimization of Robotic Systems from Temporal Logic Specifications" online on April 12, 2023.

Details of the talk can be found here.


Dr. Wenchao Li's Talk at Our Group

Dr. Wenchao Li from Boston Univ. gave a talk "Specification-Driven Post-Deployment Repair of Neural Networks" online on March 29, 2023.

Details of the talk can be found here.


2023 Seminar

The group seminar in 2023 will be held every Wednesday, 10:00-12:00.

Details about the seminar schedule can be found here.




Upcoming Events

Conferences information can be found here ...