
伊人直播 概率论活动记录(2008.9- )


2011.05.23     方海涛 研究员 (中科院系统所)

                    Consensus Control for Networked Agents with Noisy Observations

2011.05.16     Janos Englander (University of Colorado at Boulder)

                    Some particle models with self interaction and in random environment

2011.04.29**  Kishna B. Athreya (Iowa State University)

                    Invitation to Mathematics

2011.04.28     Quansheng Liu (Universite de Bretagne-Sud, France)

                    A branching random walk with a random environment in time

2011.04.28    Jean-Francois Delmas (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées  , France)

                    MRCA and bottleneck in an elementary size-varying population model

2011.03.21     徐礼虎 博士(柏林工业大学)


2011.02.28     姚昌龙  博士(中科院)

                  Asymptotic Properties of the Graph Distance in Supercritical Continuum Percolation

2010.12.27     陈振庆 教授 (University of Washington)

                  Archimedes' principle for Brownian liquid

2010.12.27     Panki Kim (Seoul National University, South Korea)

                  Two-sided Green function estimates for killed subordinate Brownian motions

2010.12.16     陈海燕  副教授(集美大学)                    

                 Mathematical aspects of the abelian sandpile model

2010.11.29     张希承  教授(武汉大学)

                     Discontinuous Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Levy Processes

2010.11.05**  王风雨  教授(北京示范大学)


2010.06.18     Renming Song (University of Illinois at  Urbana-Champaign)

                     Potential theory of subordinated Brownian motion

2010.06.18     Jin Feng  (University of  Kansas)

                     A class of Hamilton-Jacobi PDE in space of measures and its associated compressible Euler equations

2010.05.12     Xiaowen Zhou (Concordia University,Canada)

                     Levy risk model with tax

2010.04.30**   Elton P Hsu (Northwestern University)

                      Brownian Moton, Short Time Heat Kernel Asymptotion Differential Geometry,

                      and Implied Volatility   Expansion in Local and Stochastic Volatility Models

2010.04.09**   郭军义 教授 (南开大学)

                     Optimal reinsurance and game

2010.03.31      吴奖伦 教授 (Swansea University, UK)

                On Burgers type nonlinear SPDEs driven by Levy noise

2010.01.19     李文博 教授 (University of Delaware)

                Gaussian integrals associated with absolute value functions

2009.12.25**     夏爱华 教授(The University of Melbourne)            

                Probability approxmation, coupling and Stein's method

2009.12.14     夏爱华 教授(The University of Melbourne)

                On customer flows in Jackson networks

2009.11.23     苏中根 教授(浙江大学)

                Asymptotic normality for random Plancherel partitions

2009.11.16     吴 臻 教授 山东大学)

                Maximum principles for stochastic optimal control problems and applications

2009.06.23      M. Bramson(University of Minnesota)

                     Why subcritical queueing networks can be unstable

2009.06.22      T. M. Liggett(UCLA)

                The Exclusion Process: Central Limit Theorems and Stationary Distributions

2009.06.04     廖  明 教授Auburn University, USA; 山东大学)

                A decomposition of Markov processes via group actions

2009.05.29     Yves Le Jan (Univ. Paris IX)

                Recent developments in the theory of stochastic flows

2009.05.18     Jiongmin Yong (University of Central Florida)  

                Backward Stochastic Volterra Integral Equations ---Theory and Applications

2009.05.15     Thomas Duquesne Université Paris VI)

                The  exact  packing  measure  of  Super-Brownian  motion  in  dimension   >  4

2009.03.13     施  展 教授 (Université Paris VI)


2008.12.25     陈振庆 教授 (University of Washington)

                Life beyond death (Extension of Reflecting Brownian motion)

2008.12.08     李泉林 博士(清华大学工业工程系) ppt file

                    Constructive Computations of Applied Stochastic Models

2008.12.01     许明宇 博士(中科院应用数学所)


2008.11.21     苏文藻 博士(香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理系)


2008.10.30     M. Fukushima (Osaka University, Japan)
                    On time change theory for symmetric Markov processes (II)

2008.10.29 *  M. Fukushima (Osaka University, Japan)
                    On time change theory for symmetric Markov processes (I)

2008.10.27 *   Peter Jagers (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
                     On the Path to Extinction

2008.10.21     Thierry Levy (CNRS, ENS Paris)
                     Brownian motion on the unitary group and random walk on the symmetric group

2008.10.20 *   Thomas G. Kurtz(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
                     Applications of a Markov mapping theorem

2008.10.17 ** Thomas G. Kurtz(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
                     Particle representations for some SPDEs and measure-valued processes pdf file

2008.10.16     Thomas G. Kurtz(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
                     3. Identifying separated time scales in stochastic models of reaction networks  pdf file
                     4. Averaging fast subsystems  pdf file

2008.10.14     Thomas G. Kurtz(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
                    1. Stochastic equations for counting processes pdf file
                    2. Stochastic models for chemical reactions  pdf file

2008.10.10** 候振廷 教授(中南大学) 演化网络的稳定性


*报告地点在中科院应用所, 为北京概率论联合讨论班

**为数学伊人直播 学术报告会