2017.12.25 郭珩 博士 University of Edinburgh, UK
Title: Random cluster dynamics of the Ising model is rapidly mixing abstract
2017.12.18 邱彦奇 副研究员 中国科伊人直播 数学与系统科学研究院
Title:The Lyons-Peres conjecture abstract
2017.12.11 朱湘禅 副教授 北京交通大学
Title:Stochastic heat equations taking values in a Riemannian manifold abstract
2017.11.27 李利平 博士 中国科伊人直播 数学与系统科学研究院
Title: On the Dirichlet form of three-dimensional Brownian motion conditioned to hit the origin abstract
2017.11.20 杨婷 博士 北京理工大学
Title: Extinction properties and asymptotic behaviour of multi-type continuous state branching processes abstract
2017.10.19 Prof. Juan Carlos Pardo Millán, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas Mexico
Title: Continuous state branching processes in a L\'evy random environment
2017.10.16 Dr. Sandra Palau, University of Bath, UK
Title: Extinction properties and asymptotic behaviour of multi-type continuous state branching processes abstract
2017.10.16 Prof. Juan Carlos Pardo Millán, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas Mexico
Title: Abrupt convergence for generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes abstract
2017.9.4 Dr. Xinyi Li (李欣意), University of Chicago
Title: Minkowski Content for Brownian cut points abstract
2017.9.4 Dr. Jonathan Hermon, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: A characterization of L2 mixing and hypercontractivity via hitting times and maximal inequalities abstract
2017.7.25 Zoran Vondracek, University of Zagreb
Title: On purely discontinuous additive functionals of subordinate Brownian motions abstract
2017.7.25 Dr. Xinxin Chen, Institut Camille Jordan, Universite Lyon 1
Title: Long Brownian bridges in hyperbolic spaces converge to Brownian trees abstract
2017.7.13 方明 教授 厦门大学
Title:Some progress and problems on two branching random walk modes abstract
2017.6.19 Prof. Krzysztof Burdzy , University of Washington
Title:Deterministic approximations of random reflectors abstract
2017.6.7 李培森 博士 北京师范大学
Title:非线性分支过程 abstract
2017.6.5 巫静 副教授 中山大学
2017.5.29 张原 博士 Texas A&M University
2017.5.15 朱天琪 博士 中科院数学与系统科伊人直播
Title:Maximum likelihood implementation of an isolation-with-migration model for three species (最大似然法框架下的多物种隔离移民模型研究) abstract
2017.4.17 张土生 教授 曼彻斯特大学 中国科技大学
Title: Global Solutions to Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Equations abstract
2017.4.17 王伟 教授 南京大学
Title: Effective reduction for some SPDEs abstract
2017.4.12 Pavel Bedrikovetsky Uni of Adelaide, Australia
Title: Stochastic models for colloidal and nano-transport in porous media abstract
2017.4.10 吴宪远 教授 首都师范大学
Title: On The Waiting Time for A M/M/1 Queue with Impatience abstract
2017.3.27 马志明 院士 中国科伊人直播 数学与系统科学研究院 (暨2017年伊人直播 许宝騄讲座)
Title: 概率统计,魅力无限 abstract
2017.3.21 陈木法 院士 北京师范大学
Title: The charming maximal eigenpair abstract
2017.3.13 冯仁杰 博士 北京国际数学研究中心
Title: Random holomorphic fields on complex manifolds abstract
2016.12.26 王东 博士 国立新加坡大学
Title: Bethe ansztz方法在q-TAZRP (Totally Asymetric Zero Range Process)中的应用 abstract
2016.12.19 张奇 副教授 复旦大学
Title: Mass-Conserving Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Related Backward Doubly Stochastic Differential Equations abstract
2016.12.5 张登 博士 上海交通大学
Title: The stochastic logarithmic Schrödinger equation abstract
2016.12.2** 苏中根 教授 浙江大学
Title: Probabilistic Analysis for Length of the Longest Increasing Subsequences abstract
2016.11.21 Dr. Sandra Palau Calderón, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas Mexico
Title: Generalisations of continuous-state branching processes abstract
2016.11.18** Professor Andreas Kyprianou University of Bass, UK
Title: Some strange results in fragmentation-coalescence abstract
2016.10.24 章复熹 副教授 伊人直播
Title:Liouville first passage percolation: geodesic dimension is strictly larger than 1 at high temperatures abstract
2016.10.10 何辉 副教授 北京师范大学
Title:Gromov-Hausdorff -Prohorov convergence of vertex cut-trees of n-leaf Galton-Watson trees abstract
2016.6.6 王一早 博士 University of Cincinnati
Title:From infinite urn schemes to decompositions of self-similar Gaussian processes abstract
2016.5.27** 宋仁明 教授 UIUC
Title:Potential Theory of Subordinate Brownian Motions abstract
2016.5.23 刘伟 教授 江苏师范大学
Title:Variational Approach for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations abstract
2016.5.13 Professor Kuksin 法国巴黎7大
Title:Small-amplitude solutions of hamiltonian PDEs on multi-dimensional tori abstract
2016.5.11 Professor Kuksin 法国巴黎7大
Title:Nonlinear stochastic perturbations of linear Schrodinger equation on T^d with arbitrary potentials abstract
2016.5.9 向绪言 教授 湖南文理伊人直播
Title:Statistical Identification of Markov Chain abstract
2016.4.18 Prof. V. Vatutin, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia
Title: Some limit theorems for subcritical branching processes in random environment abstract
2016.4.11 林正炎 教授 浙江大学
Title:On weak convergence of stochastic processes to stochastic integrals abstract
2016.4.7 林正炎 教授 浙江大学 (暨2016年伊人直播 许宝騄讲座)
Title:弱收敛 abstract
2016.3.28 薛晓峰 博士 中国科伊人直播 大学
Title: Some results about critical values for contact processes in random environments abstract
2016.3.18** 骆顺龙 研究员 中国科伊人直播 数学与系统科学研究院
Title: 量子关联 abstract
2016.3.7 刘荣丽 副教授 南京大学
Title: Multivariate Extension of the Ballot Theorem and Its Applications in Multitype branching forests abstract
2015.12.21 姜祖恕 教授 中央研究院数学研究所
Title: Second order correction of European down and out options abstract
2015.12.14 李凌云 博士 University of California, Davis
Title: Central Limit Theorem for Linear Statistics of Eigenvalues of Large Random Matrices abstract
2015.10.26 朱湘禅 博士 北京交通大学
Title: Some approximations results on the $\Phi^4_3$ model abstract
2015.9.28 罗德军 副研究员 中国科伊人直播 数学与系统科学研究院
Title: A note on Constantin and Iyer's representation formula for the Navier-Stokes equations abstract
2015.8.10 Prof. Xue-Mei Li(李雪梅) The University of Warwick
Title: Stochastic Interpolation Equation abstract
Prof. Martin Hairer The University of Warwick (2014年菲尔兹奖)
Title: Motion of a Random String abstract
2015.7.13 Prof. Yimin Xiao (肖益民)
Title: Discrete Fractal Dimensions and Large Scale Multifractals abstract
2015.6.5** Prof. Piotr Garbaczewski University of Opole 波兰
Title: Lévy flights and Lévy-Schrödinger semigroups abstract
2015.6.1 Prof. Piotr Garbaczewski University of Opole 波兰
Title: Cauchy semigroups: Nonlocally induced bound states abstract
2015.5.25 宋永生 副研究员 中国科伊人直播 数学与系统科学研究院
Title: An introduction to G-expectation abstract
2015.5.15 Prof. D. Aldous 美国加州大学伯克利分校统计系,英国皇家学会会员和美国国家科伊人直播 外籍院士
Title: Foundational questions about sports rating models (at AMSS,CAS) abstract
2015.5.13 Prof. D. Aldous 美国加州大学伯克利分校统计系,英国皇家学会会员和美国国家科伊人直播 外籍院士
(暨2015年伊人直播 许宝騄讲座)
Title: Spatial Networks and Probability abstract
2015.4.20 葛颢 研究员 北京国际数学研究中心 伊人直播 生物动态光学成像中心
Title: Fluctuating-rate model and stochastic phenotype transition of a single cell abstract
2015.3.20** 郑伟安 教授 华东师大
Title: 程序化交易与金融大数据分析 abstract
2015.3.9 丁剑 博士 Univ. of Chicago
Title: An additive structure for level sets of Gaussian fields abstract
2014.12.29 宋贺 南开大学
Title: Locality of critical parameters for percolation abstract
徐礼虎 博士 澳门大学
Title: Exponential ergodicity of SDEs driven by degenerate noises abstract
2014.12.19** 丁剑 博士 Univ. of Chicago
Title: Phase transitions of random constraint satisfaction problems abstract
2014.12.8 熊捷 教授 澳门大学
Title: Moderate deviations for nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators under interval censoring abstract
2014.12.1 夏爱华 教授 The University of Melbourne
Title: 关于小概率事件的三个渐近定理 abstract
2014.11.28** Prof Charles Newman New York University
Title: Statistical Mechanics and the Riemann Hypothesis abstract
2014.11.24 张汉君 教授 湘潭大学
Title: Quasi-stationary Distribuation and its Application abstract
2014.11.17 马春华 副教授 南开大学
Title: Continuous state branching processes with immigration and some applications in finance abstract
2014.10.13 谢践生 副教授 复旦大学
Title: Average entropy of the ranges for simple random walks on discrete groups abstract
2014.9.29 马宇韬 副教授 北京师范大学
Title: Spectral gap for spherically symmetric log-concave probability measures, and beyond abstract
2014.6.23 冯水 教授 (Prof.Shui Feng) McMaster University
Title: Stable Subordinator, Random Energy Model, and Galton-Watson Branching Process abstract
2014.6.13 陈振庆 教授 (Prof. Zhenqing Chen) University of Washington
Title: Scaling limits of interacting diffusions in domains abstract
2014.6.13 Prof. Loïc Chaumont, University of Angers, France
Title: Codings of multitype trees and applications to branching processes (I,II,III) abstract
2014.5.26 Prof. Matyas Barczy, University of Debrecen (匈牙利)
Title: Parameter estimation for Heston models abstract
Prof. Gyula Pap, University of Szeged (匈牙利)
Title: Asymptotic behavior of critical irreducible multi-type continuous state and continuous time branching processes with immigration abstract
2014.5.19 Dr. Terry Soo Warwick University UK
Title: A Monotone Sinai theorem abstract
2014.5.9** Prof. Gordon Slade (Univ. of British Columbia, Canada)
Title: Critical Phenomena in Dimension 4 abstract
2014.5.5 李晓花 博士 北京邮电大学
Title: 现代通信网络中的排队模型研究 abstract
张 原 Duke University
Title: Coexistence of Grass, Saplings and Trees in the Staver-Levin Forest Model abstract
2014.4.28 王轩 博士 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Title: Percolation phase transition of dynamical random graphs abstract
Prof. Krishna B. Athreya Iowa State University
Title: The past and future of Brownian motion given the present with application to crossings abstract
2014.4.25** Prof. Zhao Huaizhong Loughborough University, UK
Title: Random periodic solutions abstract
2014.3.31 刘党政 副教授 中国科学技术大学
Title: Scaling limits of correlations of characteristic polynomials for the Gaussian beta-ensemble with source abstract
2014.3.24 Prof. Thierry Lévy (巴黎六大)
Title: Brownian motion on large unitary groups abstract
2014.3.17 胡泽春 副教授 南京大学
Title: Hunt's hypothesis (H) and Getoor's conjecture abstract
2014.3.7** Prof. Thierry Lévy (巴黎六大)
Title: Spectra of large random matrices and phase transitions abstract
2014.3.3 王龙敏 副教授 南开大学
Title: Boundary Harnack Principle for Critical Fractional Laplacian with Drift abstract
2013.12.23 李欣意 ETH Zürich
Title: A lower bound for disconnection by random interlacements abstract
2013.12.9 何凯 副研究员 中国科伊人直播 数学与系统科学研究院应用数学研究所
Title: Localization of Wiener Functionals of Fractional Regularity and Applications abstract
2013.12.2 束琳 副教授 伊人直播
Title: Rigidity of the stochastic entropy for symmetric spaces without focal points
2013.11.11 葛颢 研究员 伊人直播
Title: Stochastic Processes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology — a personal perspective abstract
2013.10.28 李铁军 教授 伊人直播
Title: 管窥计算生物学 abstract
2013.10.14 邵井海 副教授 北京师范大学
Title: Ergodic properties of diffusion processes in random environments abstract
2013.9.23 王东 博士 (Dr. Wang Dong) 新加坡国立大学
Title: 直线和圆上的不相交布朗运动 abstract
2013.8.20 (1) Prof. Yueyun HU , Univ. of Paris 13
Title: Random walk in random environment on trees
(2) Dr . Hao WU , Universite Paris-Sud and MIT
Title: Relations between SLE, CLE and GFF abstract
2013.7.22 Prof. Hugo Touchette
National Institute for Theoretical Physics (NITheP) Stellenbosch, South Africa
Title:Markov processes conditioned on large deviations abstract
2013.7.18 Prof. Greg Lawler 芝加哥大学教授,美国科伊人直播 院士
Title:Minkowski contexnt and the Schramm-Loewner evolution(SLE) abstract
2013.6.24 熊杰 教授 (Prof. Jie Xiong) University of Macau and University of Tennessee
Title:BSDE and SPDE with Hölder continuous coefficient and applications abstract
2013.6.17 陈振庆 教授 (Prof. Zhenqing Chen) University of Washington
Title: Brownian Motion on Spaces with Varying Dimension abstract
2013.6.3 李骏驰 (Li Junchi) Duke University
Title:Axelrod's Model in two dimensions abstract
宋仁明 教授 UIUC
Title: Central Limit Theorems for Supercritical Branching Markov Processes abstract
2013.5.27 Prof. Nicolas Curien Université Paris VI
Title:The harmonic measure of critical Galton-Watson trees abstract
2013.5.13 Dr. Douglas Rizzolo, University of Washington
Titel:Scaling limits of Markov branching trees abstract
2013.4.8 Prof. Zhan Shi 施展 教授 (巴黎六大)
Titel:立方体上的单调路径 abstract
2012.12.24 Dr. Jian Ding 丁剑 博士 (Univ. of Chicago)
Title: Markov type and the multi-scale geometry of metric spaces abstract
2012.12.24 Xin Tong 童心 (Princeton)
Titel: 强与弱条件下的条件遍历性 abstract
2012.12.17 Prof. Chen Zhenqing (陈振庆教授) (Univ. of Washington)
题目:Anomalous diffusions and fractional order differential equations abstract
2012.12.10 Amir Dembo (Stanford)
Title: Persistence Probabilities abstract
2012.11.26 张梅 教授 (北京师范大学)
题目:On approximations in a two state Markov chain abstract
2012.09.24 Prof. Tadahisa Funaki (日本东京大学)
Some topics in stochastic partial differential equations (II)
2012.09.21** Prof. Tadahisa Funaki (日本东京大学)
limit for a multi-species system producing a self-organized aggregation
2012.09.20 Prof. Tadahisa Funaki (日本东京大学)
Some topics in stochastic partial differential equations (I)
2012.09.03 丁剑 博士 (Univ. of Chicago, USA)
Maxima of two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field
2012.07.013 Prof. Shui Feng (Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, McMaster University, Canada)
The Poisson-Dirichlet Distribution and Dirichlet Process:
Constructions, Stochastic Dynamics and asymptotic Behavior
2012.07.13 Prof. Xiaowen Zhou (Concordia University, Canada)
Some support properties of $\Lambda$-Fleming-Viot process with Brownian mutation
2012.06.25 Dr. Christian Benes (Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, USA)
A Rate of Convergence for The Schramm-Loewner Evolution
2012.05.28 Dr. Vasilis Maroulas (Dept of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, USA)
Small noise large deviations and applications
2012.05.14 Professor Michael Kouritzin (University of Alberta, Canada)
On the weak Large Deviation Principle on Topological Spaces
2012.05.14 宋健 博士 (Rutgers University, 数学系)
Feynman-Kac formula
2012.04.19 Dr. Markus Riedle (Dept of Mathematics, King's College, London UK)
A survey on cylindrical Levy processes in Banach spaces
2012.04.19 杨 威 博士 (Department of Statistics, University of Warwick UK)
Mean field games and nonlinear Markov processes
2012.03.19 谢 宾 博士 (Shinshu University 日本)
Fluctuations in an Evolutional Model of Two-Dimensional Young Diagrams
2011.12.26 王一早 (Univ. of Michigan)
Conditional sampling for max-stable random fields
2011.12.20 陈勇 博士 (湖南科技大学)
On the eigenfunctions of the complex Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators
2011.12.12 宁巍杨 (Univ. of Washington 数学系)
Mixing time of card-cyclic to random shuffle
2011.11.31 嵇少林 教授 (山东大学数学伊人直播 )
A generalized Neyman–Pearson lemma for g-probabilities and its applications in finance
2011.11.11 高付清 教授 (武汉大学数学与统计伊人直播 )
Moderate deviations for a nonparametric estimator of sample coverage.
2011.09.26 洪文明 教授 (北京师范大学)
Branching structure for the transient (1, R)--random walk in random environment and its applications
2011.05.23 方海涛 研究员 (中科院系统所)
Consensus Control for Networked Agents with Noisy Observations
2011.05.16 Janos Englander (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Some particle models with self interaction and in random environment
2011.04.29** Kishna B. Athreya (Iowa State University)
Invitation to Mathematics
2011.04.28 Quansheng Liu (Universite de Bretagne-Sud, France)
A branching random walk with a random environment in time
2011.04.28 Jean-Francois Delmas (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées , France)
MRCA and bottleneck in an elementary size-varying population model
2011.03.21 徐礼虎 博士(柏林工业大学)
2011.02.28 姚昌龙 博士(中科院)
Asymptotic Properties of the Graph Distance in Supercritical Continuum Percolation
2010.12.27 陈振庆 教授 (University of Washington)
Archimedes' principle for Brownian liquid
2010.12.27 Panki Kim (Seoul National University, South Korea)
Two-sided Green function estimates for killed subordinate Brownian motions
2010.12.16 陈海燕 副教授(集美大学)
Mathematical aspects of the abelian sandpile model
2010.11.29 张希承 教授(武汉大学)
Discontinuous Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Levy Processes
2010.11.05** 王风雨 教授(北京示范大学)
2010.06.18 Renming Song (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Potential theory of subordinated Brownian motion
2010.06.18 Jin Feng (University of Kansas)
A class of Hamilton-Jacobi PDE in space of measures and its associated compressible Euler equations
2010.05.12 Xiaowen Zhou (Concordia University,Canada)
Levy risk model with tax
2010.04.30** Elton P Hsu (Northwestern University)
Brownian Moton, Short Time Heat Kernel Asymptotion Differential Geometry,
and Implied Volatility Expansion in Local and Stochastic Volatility Models
2010.04.09** 郭军义 教授 (南开大学)
Optimal reinsurance and game
2010.03.31 吴奖伦 教授 (Swansea University, UK)
On Burgers type nonlinear SPDEs driven by Levy noise
2010.01.19 李文博 教授 (University of Delaware)
Gaussian integrals associated with absolute value functions
2009.12.25** 夏爱华 教授(The University of Melbourne)
Probability approxmation, coupling and Stein's method
2009.12.14 夏爱华 教授(The University of Melbourne)
On customer flows in Jackson networks
2009.11.23 苏中根 教授(浙江大学)
Asymptotic normality for random Plancherel partitions
2009.11.16 吴 臻 教授( 山东大学)
Maximum principles for stochastic optimal control problems and applications
2009.06.23 M. Bramson(University of Minnesota)
Why subcritical queueing networks can be unstable
2009.06.22 T. M. Liggett(UCLA)
The Exclusion Process: Central Limit Theorems and Stationary Distributions
2009.06.04 廖 明 教授(Auburn University, USA; 山东大学)
A decomposition of Markov processes via group actions
2009.05.29 Yves Le Jan (Univ. Paris IX)
Recent developments in the theory of stochastic flows
2009.05.18 Jiongmin Yong (University of Central Florida)
Backward Stochastic Volterra Integral Equations ---Theory and Applications
2009.05.15 Thomas Duquesne (Université Paris VI)
The exact packing measure of Super-Brownian motion in dimension > 4
2009.03.13 施 展 教授 (Université Paris VI)
2008.12.25 陈振庆 教授 (University of Washington)
Life beyond death (Extension of Reflecting Brownian motion)
2008.12.08 李泉林 博士(清华大学工业工程系) ppt file
Constructive Computations of Applied Stochastic Models
2008.12.01 许明宇 博士(中科院应用数学所)
2008.11.21 苏文藻 博士(香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理系)
2008.10.30 M. Fukushima (Osaka University, Japan)
On time change theory for symmetric Markov processes (II)
2008.10.29 * M. Fukushima (Osaka University, Japan)
On time change theory for symmetric Markov processes (I)
2008.10.27 * Peter Jagers (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
On the Path to Extinction
2008.10.21 Thierry Levy (CNRS, ENS Paris)
Brownian motion on the unitary group and random walk on the symmetric group
2008.10.20 * Thomas G. Kurtz(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Applications of a Markov mapping theorem
2008.10.17 ** Thomas G. Kurtz(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Particle representations for some SPDEs and measure-valued processes pdf file
2008.10.16 Thomas G. Kurtz(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
3. Identifying separated time scales in stochastic models of reaction networks pdf file
4. Averaging fast subsystems pdf file
2008.10.14 Thomas G. Kurtz(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
1. Stochastic equations for counting processes pdf file
2. Stochastic models for chemical reactions pdf file
2008.10.10** 候振廷 教授(中南大学) 演化网络的稳定性
*报告地点在中科院应用所, 为北京概率论联合讨论班
**为数学伊人直播 学术报告会