Dates |
Place |
of the Conference/Host Institute |
July 21-27, 2019 |
Kasan, Russia |
Mathematics Conference |
Jan.20-26, 2019 |
Paris, France |
Visiting Univ. Paris 13 |
July 28 ¨CAug10 2018 |
San Paul & Rio, Brazil |
General Assembly and ICM
2018 |
July 2017 |
Moscow, Russia |
Stochastic Processes and
Their Applications |
July 2016 |
Bali, Indonesia |
Asian Mathematical
Conference 2016 |
August 2015 |
Melbourne, Australia |
Visit the Dept of Math and
Stat. Univ. of Melbourne |
August 2014 |
Gyeongju, Korea |
General Assembly of IMU |
August, 2014 |
Boston, USA |
Joint Statistics Meeting |
July, 2013 |
PIMS, Vancouver, Canada |
¡°Recent Trends in
Stochastic Analysis Conference¡± |
June 2013 |
Pusan, Korea |
Asian Mathematical
Conference |
Feb.21-24, 2012, |
MSRI, Berkeley, USA |
Workshop on Percolation
and Interacting Systems, |
July 2-4, 2012 |
Tsukuba Japan |
July 30-Aug. 4, 2011 |
Miami Beach, Florida,
June 30-July 3, 2011, |
Busan, Korea, |
2011 Korean Statistical Society
International Conference on Statistics and Probability, |
Dec.5-7, 2011, |
Kochi University, Japan |
10th workshop on
Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems |
July 2010 |
Rio, Brazil |
Summer School 2010 |
Jan. 2010 |
Sendai, Japan |
International Conference on
Random Media |
Sept. 2009 |
Seattle, USA |
Conference in Memory of Schramm,
Microsoft |
June 2009 |
Seoul, Korea |
IMS-APRM Meeting |
Sept. 2008 |
Marseille, France |
Joint Sino-French Symposium
on Probability |
Jan. 2008 |
Berkeley, USA |
University of Californian
for one month |
June 2007 |
Berkeley, USA |
University of Californian
for two weeks |
Jan16-Feb15,2006 |
University |
May 8, 2005 |
April 28, 2005 |
March 15, 2005 |
Northwestern Univ. &
Feb.22,2005 |
Dept. of Math., |
Jan. 2- May, 2005 |
Dept. of Statistics, |
July 25-Aug.1, 2004. |
6th World Congress of
the Bernoulli Society |
Feb.1-10,2004 |
Jan. 2004 |
Ecole Polytechnique Federale
Dec, 2003. |
2003.11-2004.1 |
TU Berlin |
2003.8.31-9.7 |
Conference of Discrete
Random Walks |
Jan. 18- Feb. 15, 2003 |
Dept. of Statistics, |
July 16-30,2002 |
on Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems ( |
July 5-Sept.19, 2001 |
Statistical Lab, |
March 2000 |
International Conference on
Fundamental Sciences |
Aug. 1999 |
Inst. of Info. Transmission
Problems, |
April, 1998 |
Michigan State Univ. |
Sept.97-May98 |
Dept. of Statistics, |
Nov. 1996 |
August 1996 |
4th World Congress of the
Bernoulli Society |
Jan.-Aug.1995 |
June 1994 |
Conference on Diffusion
Theory and Analysis |
June 1994 |
3rd World Congress of the
Bernoulli Society |
July 1993 |
Stochastic Analysis, AMS
41st Summer Research Inst.¡¡ |
May 1990 |
on Probability Models in Mathematical Physics |
June 1989 |
18th Conference on Stochastic Proc. and Their Applications |
June 1989 |
Mathematics in Random Media |
Aug.1987 |
16th Conference on Stochastic Proc. and Their Applications |