
International Trips




Name of the Conference/Host Institute




July  21-27, 2019

Kasan, Russia

3rd BRICS Mathematics Conference

Jan.20-26, 2019

Paris, France

Visiting Univ. Paris 13

July 28 ¨CAug10 2018

San Paul & Rio, Brazil

General Assembly and ICM 2018

July 2017

Moscow, Russia

Stochastic Processes and Their Applications

July 2016

Bali, Indonesia

Asian Mathematical Conference 2016

August 2015

Melbourne, Australia

Visit the Dept of Math and Stat. Univ. of Melbourne

August 2014

Gyeongju, Korea

General Assembly of IMU

August, 2014

Boston, USA

Joint Statistics Meeting

July, 2013

PIMS, Vancouver, Canada

¡°Recent Trends in Stochastic Analysis Conference¡±

June 2013

Pusan, Korea

Asian Mathematical Conference

Feb.21-24, 2012,

MSRI, Berkeley, USA

Workshop on Percolation and Interacting Systems,

July 2-4, 2012

Tsukuba Japan

2nd IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting 

July 30-Aug. 4, 2011

Miami Beach, Florida, USA 

2011 Joint Statistical Meeting,  ppt

June 30-July 3, 2011,

Busan, Korea,

2011 Korean Statistical Society International Conference on Statistics and Probability,

Dec.5-7, 2011,

Kochi University, Japan

10th workshop on Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems

July 2010 

Rio, Brazil

Summer School 2010

Jan. 2010

Sendai, Japan

International Conference on Random Media

Sept. 2009

Seattle, USA

 Conference in Memory of Schramm, Microsoft

June 2009

Seoul, Korea

IMS-APRM Meeting

Sept. 2008

Marseille, France

Joint Sino-French Symposium on Probability

Jan.  2008

Berkeley, USA

University of Californian for one month

June 2007

Berkeley, USA

University of Californian for two weeks


Paris, France

University Paris 13

May 8, 2005

Oberwolfach, Germany


April 28, 2005

Newark, DE, USA

Univ. of Delaware

March 15, 2005

Evanston, IL, USA

Northwestern Univ. & UIUC


Seattle, WA, USA

Dept. of Math., Univ. of Washington

Jan. 2- May, 2005 

Berkeley, CA, USA

Dept. of Statistics, Univ. of California

July 25-Aug.1, 2004.

Barcelona, Spain

6th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society


Kobe, Japan

Kobe University

Jan. 2004

Lausanne, Swiss

Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne

Dec, 2003.

Bonn, Germany

University of Bonn


Berlin, Germany

TU Berlin 


Paris, France

Conference of Discrete Random Walks

Jan. 18- Feb. 15, 2003

Berkeley, CA, USA

Dept. of Statistics, Univ. of California

July 16-30,2002

Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan

Conf. on Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems (Tokyo)  Stochastic Analysis and Statistical Mechanics (Kyoto) 

July 5-Sept.19, 2001

Cambridge, UK

Statistical Lab, Cambridge Univ.& 27th SPA Conference

March 2000


International Conference on Fundamental Sciences

Aug. 1999

Moscow, Russia

Inst. of Info. Transmission Problems, Russia Academy

April, 1998

East Lansing, USA

Michigan State Univ.


Berkeley, CA, USA

Dept. of Statistics, Univ. of California

Nov. 1996

Hong Kong

Chinese University of Hong Kong

August 1996

Vienna, Austria

4th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society


Los Angeles, USA


June 1994

Evanston, IL, USA

Conference on Diffusion Theory and Analysis

June 1994

Chapel Hill, USA

3rd World Congress of the Bernoulli Society

July 1993

Ithaca, NY, USA

Stochastic Analysis, AMS 41st Summer Research Inst.¡¡

May 1990

Colorado Springs

Conference on Probability Models in Mathematical Physics ¡¡

June 1989

Madison, USA

18th Conference on Stochastic Proc. and Their Applications

June 1989

Blacksburg, USA

Mathematics in Random Media


Palo Alto, CA

16th Conference on Stochastic Proc. and Their Applications