
The Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, USA

The Three Gorges, Yangtze River, China.
People fear this beautiful view would disappear after a dam is built in this area

A Farmers' Market, Madison, Wisconsin, 1989.
This is very much like the typical way Chinese shopping for grocery.

A building on the Cornell campus, 1992

UCLA, with a snow-capped mountain at a distance.

My residential environment in the campus of Peking University, 1993.

The very first photo picture of Sonia 

I can kick, three days after my birth

Who is afraid of taking bath


Dayue in 1992

The Faculty and Staff of the Department of Probability and statistics, Peking University, Spring 1997

Li Ding, Li Song, Ziling Xue and Dayue Chen (from left to right)
studied together at UCLA from 1984 to 1989.

In the new Math Building of Peking University

With the deans and academicians of the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University, Winter 2001

With my brother in Evanston, IL, Aug.28, 1989

a view from my office (2003), and 8 years after(2011)

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修订日期:2011年06月03日 。