Dayue Chen was born in October 1963 in the city of Wenzhou, Zhejiang
Province. He received his B.S. degree from Fudan University in 1983, and his
Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1989. He joined
Peking University in 1991 and is now Professor of Mathematics.
Dr. Chen¡¯s research field is the theory of stochastic processes. He is a
pioneer to study interacting particle systems on trees and graphs, made some
progresses in the metastability of Markov processes, random walks in a random
environment, phase transitions and critical phenomenon of interacting particle
systems, and has published more than 30 papers. By the principle of large
deviations, the metastable behaviors of a family of Markov chains are fully
characterized. An upper and lower bounds are established for the speed of a
random walk on a random tree. The first example is found for the case that the
infinite percolation subgraph of the non-recurrent graph is recurrent.
He served as an instructor for courses such as Probability, Applied Stochastic Processes, Probability and Statistics,
Advanced Course in Probability Theory and Theory of Stochastic Processes, et al. He was once the lead
instructor for the course of Probability
and took part in compiling the textbook of
Applied Stochastic Processes. He was honored as Top Ten Teachers of Peking University in 2009. He has supervised 9
Ph.D. students and 25 graduate students for M.S. degrees.
He won an Award for Progress in Science & Technology (Second Class) by
the Municipal Government of Beijing in 2001, a Young Teacher Award in 2002 and
a National Award for Educational Achievements (Second Class) in 2009, both from
the Ministry of Education. He received an Outstanding Youth Fund from NSFC in
2006 and a special allowance from the Central Government in 2012.
He served as Vice President (2012-2015) and the Secretary General
(2016-2019) of the Chinese Mathematical Society, the Editor in Chief of the
Chinese journal of Advances in Mathematics
(2011-2014), and Vice President of the Chinese Society of Probability and
Statistics (2014-2022). He successively served as Vice Chairman (1995-1997),
Chairman (2008-2013) of the Department of Probability and Statistics, Vice Dean
(1998-2002 & 2013-2015) and Executive Vice Dean (2015-2017) of the School
of Mathematical Sciences. In July of 2017, he was appointed as the Dean of the
School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University.