
Personal Information
Bao Zhiqiang My Photo
Academic Position Associate Professor
Department Mathematics
Research Interest Low-dimensional Topology
Geometric Group Theory
Email [email protected]
Personal Information
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Academic Background
* Education and Working Experiences
1994 Department of Applied Mathematics, Tsinghua University, China Bachelor's Degree
1999 School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, China Ph.D.
1999 School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, China Lecturer
2000 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Australia Research Fellow
2001 School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, China Associate Professor
* Honors and Awards Received after Graduated
2001 Beijing youth excellent mathematical papers prize
2001 Beijing youth excellent papers in science and technology prize
2002 National excellent doctoral dissertation award
2002 Peking University excellent doctoral dissertation award
2003 Award from Zhengda foundation for excellent teaching
Academic Background
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Research Related
* Publications
  1. Maximum order of finite abelian subgroups in the outer automorphism group of a rank n free group. J. Algebra 236(1), pp 355--370, 2001.
  2. Construction of covering maps between orientable surfaces. Sci. China Ser. A 43(6), pp 616--622, 2000.
  3. Maximum order of periodic outer automorphisms of a free group. J. Algebra 224(2), pp 437--453, 2000.
  4. Intersection theory on homogeneous spaces of simple Lie group. Acta Sci. Nat. Univ. Pekinensis (J. Peking Univ.) 35(3), pp 297--301, 1999.
  5. (In Chinese) Orders of subgroups of the outer automorphism groups of a free group. Peking Univ. Ph.D. Thesis, 1999.
Research Related
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Teaching Related
* Teaching Activities
Undergraduate Courses
Spring 2002 Topology more
Autumn 2002 Linear Algebra
Spring 2003 Topology more
Graduate Courses
Spring 2002 Geometry and Topology on Manifolds
* Supervision of Research
2 undergraduate dissertation projects
* Other Activities
Teacher in charge of year 2001 Ph.D. students
Teaching Related
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