
Construction of a Pathway Map on a Complicated Energy Landscape


How do we search for the entire family tree of possible intermediate states, without unwanted random guesses, starting from a stationary state on the energy landscape all the way down to energy minima? Here we introduce a general numerical method that constructs the pathway map, which guides our understanding of how a physical system moves on the energy landscape. The method identifies the transition state between energy minima and the energy barrier associated with such a state. As an example, we solve the Landau–de Gennes energy incorporating the Dirichlet boundary conditions to model a liquid crystal confined in a square box; we illustrate the basic concepts by examining the multiple stationary solutions and the connected pathway maps of the model.

Yin J., Wang Y., Chen J. Z. Y., Zhang P., Zhang L. (2020). Construction of a Pathway Map on a Complicated Energy Landscape. In Phys. Rev. Lett., 124.