Pingwen Zhang
Pingwen Zhang
中文 (简体)
Pingwen Zhang
Accurately Recover Global Quasiperiodic Systems by Finite Points
An Adaptive Method Based on Local Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Parametric Dynamical Systems
Improved freezing rain forecast using machine learning
Latent assimilation with implicit neural representations for unknown dynamics
Nucleation and phase transition of decagonal quasicrystals
Numerical Methods and Analysis of Computing Quasiperiodic Systems
Recovering the Source Term in Elliptic Equation via Deep Learning: Method and Convergence Analysis
Semi-implicit method of high-index saddle dynamics and application to construct solution landscape
Theory of Polygonal Phases Self-Assembled from T-Shaped Liquid Crystalline Molecules
A model-free shrinking-dimer saddle dynamics for finding saddle point and solution landscape
Discretization and index-robust error analysis for constrained high-index saddle dynamics on the high-dimensional sphere
Error estimate for semi-implicit method of sphere-constrained high-index saddle dynamics
Mathematical and numerical analysis to shrinking-dimer saddle dynamics with local Lipschitz conditions
Probabilistic error estimate for numerical discretization of high-index saddle dynamics with inaccurate models
A deep spatio-temporal forecasting model for multi-site weather prediction post-processing
A station-data-based model residual machine learning method for fine-grained meteorological grid prediction
Computing solution landscape of nonlinear space-fractional problems via fast approximation algorithm
Error estimates for euler discretization of high-index saddle dynamics
Shaping future low-carbon energy and transportation systems: Digital technologies and applications
Solution Landscape of the Onsager Model Identifies Non-axisymmetric Critical Points
The comparative study on the digital economy and trade between China, the U.S. and the EU
Modeling and Computation of Liquid Crystals
Solution landscape of a reduced Landau–de Gennes model on a hexagon
Transition pathways connecting crystals and quasicrystals
A Data-Driven Random Subfeature Ensemble Learning Algorithm for Weather Forecasting
A Variable-Separation Method for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations With Random Inputs
Analysis of the energy-minimization multiscale model with multiobjective optimization
Anisotropic Nonlocal Diffusion Operators for Normal and Anomalous Dynamics
Construction of a Pathway Map on a Complicated Energy Landscape
Detecting Suspected Epidemic Cases Using Trajectory Big Data
Machine Learning-based Weather Support for the 2022 Winter Olympics
A Model Output Machine Learning Method for Grid Temperature Forecasts in the Beijing Area
Detecting Particle Clusters in Particle-Fluid Systems by a Density Based Method
Elastic properties of liquid-crystalline bilayers self-assembled from semiflexible-flexible deblock copolymers
Transition pathways between defect patterns in confined nematic liquid crystals
A Fast Algorithm for the Moments of Bingham Distribution
A tensor model for nematic phases of bent-core molecules based on molecular theory
Approximations on SO(3) by Wigner D-matrix and Applications
Boundary Problems for the Fractional and Tempered Fractional Operators
Calculating Elastic Constants of Bent-Core Molecules from Onsager-Theory-Based Tensor Model
Formation of three-dimensional colloidal crystals in a nematic liquid crystal
Local minimizer and De Giorgi’s type conjecture for the isotropic–nematic interface problem
On the Isotropic-Nematic Phase Transition for the Liquid Crystal
Onsager-theory-based dynamic model for nematic phases of bent-core molecules and star molecules
Computing Optimal Interfacial Structure of Modulated Phases
Defects Around a Spherical Particle in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
Liquid Crystalline Bilayers Self-Assembled from Rod-Coil Diblock Copolymers
On equilibrium configurations of nematic liquid crystals droplet with anisotropic elastic energy
On Minimizers for the Isotropic-Nematic Interface Problem
Stability of Half-Degree Point Defect Profiles for 2D Nematic Liquid Crystals
Stability of Icosahedral Quasicrystals in a Simple Model with Two-Length Scales
The Transmission of Symmetry of Liquid Crystals
Topological Defects in an Unconfined Nematic Fluid Induced by Single and Double Spherical Colloidal Particles
Transition of Defect Patterns from 2D to 3D in Liquid Crystals
Nematic ordering of semi-flexible polymers confined on a toroidal surface
On the Disclination Lines of Nematic Liquid Crystals
Stability of Soft Quasicrystals in a Coupled-Mode Swift-Hohenberg Model for Three-Component Systems
Analytic Structure of the SCFT Energy Functional of Multicomponent Block Copolymers
Application of Self-consistent Field Theory to Self-Assembled Bilayer Membrane
Dynamic Transitions and Pattern Formations for a Cahn-Hilliard Model with Long-Range Repulsive Interactions
Efficient numerical schemes for solving the self-consistent field equations of flexible–semiflexible diblock copolymers
From Microscopic Theory to Macroscopic Theory: a Systematic Study on Modeling for Liquid Crystals
Local Well-posedness and Small Deborah Limit of A Molecular-Based Q-Tensor System
Rigorous Derivation from Landau-De Gennes Theory to Ericksen-Leslie Theory
Stability of Two-Dimensional Soft Quasicrystals in Systems with Two Length Scales
The Small Deborah Number Limit of the Doi-Onsager Equation to the Ericksen-Leslie Equation
Boundary Effects in Confined Copolymer System and Compressible SCFT Model
Conformation of Polyelectrolytes in Poor Sol-vents: Variational Approach and Quantitative Comparison with Scaling Predictions
Dynamic Transition for Landau-Brazovskii Model
From Microscopic Theory to Macroscopic Theory - Symmetries and Order Parameters of Rigid Molecules
Is There a Third Order Phase Transition for Supercritical Fluids?
Numerical Methods for Quasicrystals
Rigid Linear Particles Con ned on a Spherical Surface: Phase Diagram of Nematic Defect States
A Strategy to Explore Stable and Metastable Ordered Phases of Block Copolymers
A Tensor Model for Liquid Crystals on a Spherical Surface
Discovery of New Metastable Patterns in Diblock Copolymers
Measuring the Spontaneous Curvature of Bilayer Membranes by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Modified Diffusion Equation for the Wormlike-chain Statistics in Curvilinear Coordinates
Nucleation Rate Calculation for the Phase Transition of Diblock Copolymers under Stochastic Cahn-Hilliard Dynamics
Simulation Study of Quasi-Ballistic Transport in Asymmetric DG-MOSFET by Directly Solving Boltzmann Transport Equation
Well-Posedness of the Ericksen-Leslie System
Computable Modeling(Chinese)
Error estimate of short-range force calculation in inhomogeneous molecular systems
Numerical Study for the Nucleation of One-Dimensional Stochastic Cahn-Hilliard Dynamics
On the Numerical Accuracy of Ewald Smooth Particle Mesh Ewald and Staggered Mesh Ewald Methods for Correlated Molecular Systems
Well-Posedness of Hydrodynamics on the Moving Elastic Surface
A Finite Volume Method for the Multi Subband Boltzmann Equation with Realistic 2D Scattering in Double Gate MOSFETs
Effect of exposure to trace elements in the soil on the prevalence of neural tube defects in a high-risk area of China
On the existence of a third-order phase transition beyond the Andrews critical point: A molecular dynamics study
Origin of epitaxies between ordered phases of block copolymers
A Nonhomogeneous Kinetic Model of Liquid Crystal Polymers and Its Thermodynamic Closure Approximation
A numerical method for the study of nucleation of ordered phases
Local Existence and Uniqueness of the Dynamical Equations of an Incompressible Membrane in Two-Dimensional Space
Nucleation of Ordered Phases in Block Copolymers
Spectral method for exploring patterns of diblock copolymers
A Kinetic-Hydrodynamic Simulation of Liquid Crystalline Polymers Under Plane Shear Flow: 1+2 Dimensional Case
Adaptive Stroud stochastic collocation method for flow in random porous media via Karhunen-Loeve expansion
An efficient numerical method of Landau-Brazovskii model
Boundary treatments in non-equilibrium Green's function(NEGF) methods for quantum transport in nano-MOSFETs
Crucial properties of the moment closure model FENE-QE
Global existence of weak solutions to the regularized Hookean dumbbell model
Numerical simulation of fluid membranes in two-dimensional space
Numerical simulation of phase separation coupled with crystallization
On the New Multiscale Rodlike Model of Polymeric Fluids
Reflection/transmission characteristics of a dis-continuous Galerkin method for Maxwell's equations in dispersive inhomogeneous media
Second-order accurate Godunov scheme for multicomponent flows on moving triangular meshes
A cellular automaton technique for modelling of a binary dendritic growth with convection
A kinetic-hydrodynamic simulation of microstructure of liquid crystal polymers in plane shear flow
Analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for parabolic homogenization problems
Continuum theory of a moving membrane
High-order DGTD methods for dispersive Maxwell's equations and modeling of silver nanowire Coupling
Level set calculations for incompressible two-phase flows on a dynamically adaptive grid
Mathematical analysis of multi-scale models of complex fluids
Non-equilibrium molecular-dynamics measurement of the Leslie coefficients of a Gay-Berne nematic liquid crystal
Stable dynamic states at the nematic liquid crystals in weak shear flow
Steady states and their stability of homogeneous rigid extended nematic polymers under imposed magnetic fields
A Molecular Kinetic Theory of Inhomogeneous Liquid Crystal Flow and the Small Deborah Number Limit
Convergence analysis of BCF method for Hookean dumb-bell model with finite difference scheme
Local existence for the FENE-dumbbell model of polymeric fluids
Model analysis and parameter extraction for MOS capacitor including quantum mechanical effects
Modified models of polymer phase separation
Moving mesh kinetic simulation for sheared rodlike polymers with high potential intensities
Moving mesh methods for singular problems on a sphere using perturbed harmonic mappings
Study of phase transition in homogeneous rigid extended nematics and magnetic suspensions using an order-reduction method
Analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for elliptic homogenization problems
Axial symmetry and classification of stationary solutions of Doi-Onsager equation on the sphere with Maier-Saupe potential
Conservative local discontinuous Galerkin methods for time dependent Schrodinger equation
Discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method for GPR simulation in dispersive media
Moving mesh finite element methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
The structure of equilibrium solutions of one-dimensional Doi equation
A new coupled model for alloy solidi cation Science in China series A-Mathematics
A theoretical and numerical study for the rod-like model of a polymeric fluid
Analysis of 1+1 dimensional stochastic models of liquid crystal polymer flows
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for dispersive and lossy Maxwell's equations and PML boundary conditions
Local existence for the dumbbell model of polymeric fluids
Stochastic models of polymeric fluids at small Deborah number
Well-posedness for the dumbbell model of polymeric fluids
A kind of semi-roarsing AMG method for two dimensional energy equations with three temperatures
An adaptive mesh redistribution method for nonlinear hamiltonian-jacobi equations in two- and three dimensions
Multi-scale Methods for Inverse Modeling in 1-D Mos Capacitor
A Moving Mesh Finite Element Algorithm for Sin-gular Problems for Two and Three Space Dimensions
Convergence of a Boundary Integral Method for 3-D Water Waves
Convergence of a stochastic method for the modeling of polymeric fluids
Numerical Studies of 2D Free Surface Waves with Fixed Bottom
Singularity Formulation in Three-dimensional Vortex Sheets
Stability of Boundary Integral Method for Water Wave
A New Stability Technique for Boundary Integral Methods of Water Waves
Analysis of Moving Mesh Methods Based on Geometrical Variables
Moving Mesh Methods in Multiple Dimensions Based on Harmonic Maps
Numerical Studies of Shallow Water Waves on Slopping Beach with Arti cial Boundary
Simulating A Double Casting Technique Using Level Set Method
Vanishing Curvature Viscosity for Front propagation
Wavelet Method for Boundary Integral Equations
Growth Rates for the Linearized Motion of 3-D Fluid Interfaces with Surface Tension Far from Equilibrium
Convergence of vortex with boundary element methods
Optimal L1 Rate of Convergence for Viscosity Method and Monotone Scheme to Piecewise Constant Solution with Shocks
Convergence of the point vortex methods for Euler equation on half plane
Convergence of vortex Methods in a bounded domain Using linear finite elements
Well-posedness for linearizied motion of 3-D water waves far from equilibrium
Computation of wavelet function
Convergence of variable-elliptic-vortex method for Euler equations
Convergence of vortex methods for Exterior problems
Fully discrete convergence estimates for vortex methods in bounded domains
On vortex methods for initial boundary problems
A family of viscous splitting schemes for Navier-Stokes equations
A sharp estimate of simplified viscosity splitting scheme
A symmetrical viscous splitting schemes for Navier-Stokes equations
Exterior problem for the three-Dimensional Euler equation
Viscosity splitting with nonzero tangent boundary value
Viscous splitting for the exterior problem of Navier-Stokes equations