主持:陈大岳教授 伊人直播-伊人直播app
08:30-08:40 廖山涛先生生平
08:40-09:10 嘉宾和家属讲话
张平文 院士 伊人直播
田 刚 院士 中国数学会理事长
席南华 院士 中科院数学与系统科学研究院院长
廖章林 先生 廖山涛先生次子
09: 10-11: 45 廖山涛先生同事、学生发言
姜伯驹 院士 伊人直播
张恭庆 院士 伊人直播
董镇喜 教授 伊人直播
麦结华 教授 汕头大学、广西财经伊人直播
唐 云 教授 清华大学
何连法 教授 河北师范大学
文 兰 院士 伊人直播
郑志明 院士 北京航空航天大学
孙文祥 教授 伊人直播
蒋云平 教授 纽约城市大学
章梅荣 教授 清华大学
甘少波 教授 伊人直播
甘少波 教授 伊人直播
史 逸 助理教授 伊人直播
孙文祥 教授 伊人直播
文 兰 院士 伊人直播
请将“姓名、工作单位、职务、邮箱地址、参会方式(线上/线下)”邮件发送至[email protected],或联系电话010-62744768。
10月24日下午 |
10月25日上午 |
10月25日下午 |
14:30-15:00 叶向东 院士 中国科学技术大学
15:00-15:30 孙文祥 教授 伊人直播
15:30-16:00 黄 煜 教授 中山大学
16:00-16:20 休息
16:20-16:50 沈维孝 教授 复旦大学
16:50-17:20 曹永罗 教授 苏州大学/华东师范大学
08:30-09:00 夏志宏 教授 美国西北大学
09:00-09:30 胡虎翼 教授 美国密西根州立大学
09:30-10:00 王贞琦 副教授 美国密西根州立大学
10:00-10:20 休息
10:20-10:50 吕克宁教授 美国杨百翰大学
10:50-11:20 杨佳刚 副教授 巴西弗鲁米嫩塞联邦大学
11:20-11:50 易英飞 教授 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学
14:30-15:00 尤建功 教授 南开大学
15:00-15:30 史 逸 助理教授 伊人直播
15:30-16:00 廖 刚 副教授 苏州大学
16:00-16:20 休息
16:20-16:50 田学廷 教授 复旦大学
16:50-17:20 杨大伟 教授 苏州大学
会议 ID:452 263 170
会议 ID:968 868 714
会议 ID:552 577 366
叶向东 院士 (中国科学技术大学)
题目: Regionally proximal relation of higher order along arithmetic progressions.
时间:2020-10-24 14:30-15:00
摘要: It was shown by Shao-Ye that for a minimal system the regionally proximal relation of order d is an equivalence relation. In a joint work with Glasner-Huang-Shao published in the Liao’s volume, we introduced the notion of the regionally proximal relation of order d along arithmetic progressions and proved some basic properties. In this talk I will explain how we solved a conjecture there by using a result in a recent joint work with Glasner-Huang-Shao-Weiss.
孙文祥 教授 (伊人直播
题目: 微分遍历论
时间:2020-10-24 15:00-15:30
黄 煜 教授 (中山大学)
题目: 控制系统的熵和二分定理
时间:2020-10-24 15:30-16:00
沈维孝 教授 (复旦大学)
题目: Weierstrass 型函数图像的分形性质
时间:2020-10-24 16:20-16:50
摘要:Weierstrass处处不可微连续函数的图像是分形几何的经典研究对象之一。我们将回顾这些函数图像的研究历史,并介绍近期如下二分性定理(与任浩杰合作)的证明:假设b是大于1的整数,f是周期的解析函数,0<t<1。那么要么函数W(x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty b^{-nt}f(b^n x)是解析函数,要么其图像的Hausdorff维数等于2-t。
曹永罗 教授 (苏州大学/华东师范大学)
题目: The distribution of hyperbolic periodic points for some complete nonuniformly hyperbolic systems.
时间:2020-10-24 16:50-17:20
摘要:In this talk, we will report some results about the distribution of hyperbolic periodic points for some complete nonuniformly hyperbolic systems. We also discuss equilibrium for sub-additive topological pressure of some special sub-additive potential.
夏志宏 教授 (美国西北大学)
题目: Closing Lemma: Liao’s pioneering work and current status
时间:2020-10-25 08:30-09:00
摘要: One of the fundamental problems in dynamical systems is the so-called closing lemma. Liao and Pugh independently proved the C^1 closing lemma. In this talk, in celebrating Liao’s great achievements, we will review Liao’s ideas and give an update on the current status of the general closing lemma.
胡虎翼 教授 (美国密西根州立大学)
题目: The SRB measures for pointwise hyperbolic systems on open regions
时间:2020-10-25 09:00-09:30
摘要: A pointwise partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism is different from a partially hyperbolic one if the expansion and contraction depend on points. If the system is defined on an open set, then the hyperbolicity may not be uniform. We show that under certain conditions such a system has unstable and stable manifolds, and admits a finite or an infinite u-Gibbs measure. If the system is pointwise hyperbolic, then the u-Gibbs measure$\mu$ is an Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen (SRB) measure or an infinite SRB measure. As applications, we show that some almost Anosov diffeomorphisms and gentle perturbations of Katok's map have the properties.
This is a joint work with Jianyu Chen and Yunhua Zhou.
王贞琦 副教授 (美国密西根州立大学)
题目: Local rigidity of parabolic actions
时间:2020-10-25 09:30-10:00
摘要: We show $C^\infty$ local rigidity for a broad class of abelian unipotent algebraic actions on homogeneous spaces of semisimple Lie groups.
The method of proof is a combination of KAM type iteration scheme and representation theory. This is the first time in literature (strong) local rigidity for parabolic actions is addressed.
吕克宁 教授 (美国杨百翰大学)
题目: Lyapunov Exponents and Chaotic Behavior of Random Dynamical Systems.
时间:2020-10-25 10:20-10:50
摘要: In this talk, I will report the joint works on Lyapunov exponents, SRB measures, and horseshoes on infinite dimensional random dynamical systems with Wen Huang, Zeng Lian, Peidong Liu, Qiudong Wang and Lai-Sang Young.
杨佳刚 副教授 (巴西弗鲁米嫩塞联邦大学)
题目: Recent progress on physical measures for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
时间:2020-10-25 10:50-11:20
摘要: The research on physical measures for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms was started by Bonatti and Viana for systems with mostly contracting center, and by Alves, Bonatti and Viana for systems with mostly expanding center. They showed that such systems always admit finitely many physical measures; furthermore, the union of their basins have full volume.
In this talk, we will introduce some recent progress on this topic,and provide several new examples.
易英飞 教授 (加拿大阿尔伯塔大学)
题目: A Mesoscopic Ergodic Theorem
时间:2020-10-25 11:20-11:50
摘要: The talk will concern ergodic properties of mesoscopic systems described by stochastic ordinary differential equations.
An ergodic theorem will be presented for systems with rough coefficients which do not necessarily generate flows or semiflows.
Applications to mechanical and biological systems will be discussed.
尤建功 教授 (南开大学)
题目: 拟周期cocycle的李雅普诺夫指数
时间:2020-10-25 14:30-15:00
史 逸 助理教授 (伊人直播
题目: Dynamics for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in C^r-topology
时间:2020-10-25 15:00-15:30
摘要: In this talk, we will introduce a series of C^r-perturbation lemmas for certain partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms and give their applications to the dynamics of these diffeomorphisms in C^r-topology. We will show the C^r-closing lemma for general and conservative partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional center bundle. We will also discuss the C^r-connecting lemma and C^r-chain connecting lemma for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with circle center fiber.
廖 刚 副教授 (苏州大学)
题目: Entropy in differentiable dynamical systems
时间:2020-10-25 15:30-16:00
摘要: Entropy, as one of most used quantities measuring the complexity, plays a fundamental role in the study of dynamical systems. We will talk about the entropy properties of differentiable dynamical systems from two aspects: (1) hyperbolicity: the better the hyperbolicity, the more uniform the global distribution of orbits; (2) smoothness: the better the smoothness, the more regular the local behavior of orbits. Some applications of entropy estimates are also discussed.
田学廷 教授 (复旦大学)
题目: Dynamical behavior that are statistically trivial but topologically complicated
时间:2020-10-25 16:20-16:50
摘要: In a dynamical system, by known Poincare recurrence theorem, Birkhoff ergodic theorem and Oseledec multiplicative ergodic theorem, there exists a totally full measure set such that every point in this set is recurrent and its orbit enters in its neighborhood with positive lower density, the set of its empirical measures of time average is a singleton corresponding to an ergodic measure, and the Lyapunov exponents with respect to a differential derivative or a cocycle at this point exist. However, it has been found that the points without existence of time average can carry full topological entropy and strong distributional chaos in various dynamics including symbolic systems, uniformly hyperbolic systems and some known non-uniformly hyperbolic systems such as Katok map, Mane examples and Lorenz or Lorenz-like systems. In this talk we will introduce more progress on various asymptotic behavior that are statistically trivial but topologically complicated in various chaotic dynamics: (1) Lyapunov irregular points can carry full topological entropy and strong distributional chaos; (2) Points without SRB or SRB-like behavior can carry full topological entropy and strong distributional chaos; (3) Points with or without transitive behavior, recurrent behavior by using different frequency can form more than thirty different dynamical behavior, most of which are discovered to be statistically trivial but can all carry strong topological complexity in the sense of full topological entropy and distributional chaos.
杨大伟 教授 (苏州大学)
题目: Liao's canonical equations, their recent representation, and applications in the conjectures of Palis
时间:2020-10-25 16:50-17:20
摘要: Liao's canonical equations have played a very important role in the study of the stability conjecture. Liao also applied his canonical equations in the study of vector fields with singularities. Gan and Yang tried to understand Liao's canonical equations in a geometric way and defined the rescaled sectional Poincar\'e maps. We will revisit the applications of Liao's estimates in the study of the flow-version of conjectures of Palis involving singularities.