主 题: 拓扑和动力系统中的螺线圈。
报告人: 王诗窚 教授 (数学伊人直播
时 间: 2006-09-22 下午 2:30 - 3:30
地 点: 理科一号楼 1114(数学所活动)
Abstract: Solenoids were introduced in topology in 1920\'s by Vietoris and in dynamics
in 1960\'s by Smale. We will discuss some recent interactions between topology and dynamics
around solenoids, which appear in papers of Jiang-Wang, Jiang-Ni-Wang,
Jiang-Ni-Wang-Zhou, Jiang-Wang-Zheng-Zhou and Jiang-Ni-Wang-Zheng
The talk will stay at an elementary and illustrative level. We will say more on how to
get chances to involve those results rather than how to prove them.