Dissipative particle dynamics: a powerful tool in the polymer research
主 题: Dissipative particle dynamics: a powerful tool in the polymer research
报告人: 吕中元 教授 (吉林大学化学伊人直播
时 间: 2010-01-07 16:00 - 17:00
地 点: 理科一号楼 1479
Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is a particle-based mesoscopic simulation technique, which is characterized by 'ultra-soft' particle-particle interaction and momentum-conserving random and dissipative forces. The system is therefore Galilean invariant so that the hydrodynamic behavior can be correctly reflected. The main difference between DPD and coarse-grained MD is that the former always adopts purely repulsive ultra-soft potential (quadratically decreases with inter-particle distance), and the main difference between DPD and classical Brownian dynamics is that the former conserves momentum. The method had been widely used in different subjects of soft matter. In this talk, some aspects of DPD, including a short review of the method and a few applications will be shown. Furthermore, some technical issues that should be noted, recent developments, and possible ways to refine the method will be discussed too.