Motion of a random string(概率论系列报告)
主 题: Motion of a random string(概率论系列报告)
报告人: Prof. Martin Hairer (2014年菲尔兹奖得主) (The University of Warwick, UK)
时 间: 2015-08-10 16:30 - 17:30
地 点: 伊人直播
A rubber band constrained to remain on a manifold evolves by trying to shorten its length, eventually settling on some minimal closed geodesic, or collapsing entirely. It is natural to try to consider a noisy version of such a model where each segment of the band gets pulled in random directions. Trying to build such a model turns out to be surprisingly difficult and generates a number of nice geometric insights, as well as some beautiful algebraic and analytical objects.