On differential equations which describe pseudo-spherical surfaces
主 题: On differential equations which describe pseudo-spherical surfaces
报告人: KETI TENENBLAT (巴西利亚大学,巴西科伊人直播
时 间: 2014-10-16 10:00-11:30
地 点: 理科一号楼1560(主持人:莫小欢)
In this talk I will consider some aspects of the relations between metrics on 2-dimensional manifold with constant negative Gaussian curvature and differential equations. The notion of a differential equation which describes a metric of constant curvature was introduced in my joint work with S.S.Chern. I will provide a survey on this topic and present recent classification results on fourth order differential equations. Huge classes of new non linear evolution equations will be given. Each such equation is the integrability condition of a linear problem explicitly given.