科学与工程计算系列讨论班—Introduction to classical and quantum stochastic thermodynamics
主 题: 科学与工程计算系列讨论班—Introduction to classical and quantum stochastic thermodynamics
报告人: 全海涛 研究员 (伊人直播
时 间: 2017-06-22 10:30-11:30
地 点: 理科一号楼1479
Abstract: Stochastic thermodynamics is a framework of thermodynamics developed in the last two decades, which connects the macroscopic nonequilibrium thermodynamic phenomena with microscopic equation of motion (the Langevin eqaution or Fokker-Planck equation). This framework successfully extends thermodynamic theory from ensemble level to individual trajectory level and has significantly advanced our understanding about thermodynamics in far-from equilibrium processes. The most important achievement is the discovery of various fluctuation theorems. In parallel, to establish a self-consistent framework of quantum stochastic thermodynamics has been a dream for many years, and is still an ongoing effort. In this talk I will briefly introduce the basics of classical stochastic thermodynamics from the point view of a physicist. If I have time I will also introduce the latest developments about quantum stochastic thermodynamics.