Small-amplitude solutions of hamiltonian PDEs on multi-dimensional tori
主 题: Small-amplitude solutions of hamiltonian PDEs on multi-dimensional tori
报告人: Professor S.B. Kuksin (法国巴黎7大)
时 间: 2016-05-13 16:10-17:10
地 点: 理科一号楼 1114
I will discuss the problem of studying the long-time behaviour of solutions for nonlinear Hamiltonian PDEs on T^d, paying special attention to the multidimensional non-linear beam equation. The talk is based on my recent joint work with H. Eliasson and B.Grebert. > // 报告人介绍:S.B.Kuksin教授是法国巴黎7大数学系系主任, 爱丁堡皇家学会Fellow, 爱丁堡大学荣誉教授。曾受邀在1998年世界数学家都会作45分钟报告,是GAFA等杂志的编委。