Few Task Decomposition for Faster Numerical Simulations
主 题: Few Task Decomposition for Faster Numerical Simulations
报告人: Prof.Yvon Maday (法国第六大学教授)
时 间: 2016-09-07 16:00-17:00
地 点: 第二教学楼203
Current computing platforms used for numerical simulations used in various fields of sciences have up to one millions processors that can be used in parallel to accelerate the time restitution of these simulations. We shall present the basic ideas for decomposing these computations either for stationary problems and also for time dependent problems. The ideas consists in decomposition of task in independent subtasks that, when assembled, provide an answer to the global problem. 【报告人简介】Yvon Maday,法国第六大学教授,布朗大学应用数学系客座教授,欧洲科学伊人直播
院士。他曾于1991年和2009年分别获的法国 Blaise Pascal 奖及法国科伊人直播
Jacques-Louis Lions奖, 并于2006年在马德里数学家大会上做邀请报告。此外,他还曾于2001-2011年任Jacques-Louis Lions实验室主任。