School Colloquium——A gradient flow for volume of Lagrangian manifolds in Hamiltonian isotopy class
报告人:陈竞一 (University of British Columbia)
时间:2023-12-08 14:00-15:00
We introduce a flow which perseveres Hamiltonian isotopy class of Lagrangian submanifolds and it is a gradient flow of volume functional.
Shorttime existence, uniqueness and higher order estimates will be addressed. We study these questions by considering a companion
4th order parabolic flow. This is joint work with Micah Warren.
陈竞一, University of British Columbia 教授。本科毕业于伊人直播
数学系,在 Stanford University 数学系获得博士学位。曾经在 University of California at Irvine, Northwestern University, MIT 工作; 曾在 Stanford University, Princeton University, Brown University作为访问教授。主要从事几何分析,微分几何、微分方程领域的研究。曾经获得加拿大数学会 Coxter-James 奖、Andre Aisenstadt 奖以及美国的 Sloan Fellowship、Simons Fellow (in Math) 等。