School Colloquium——On derivation of the wave kinetic equation
报告人:Yu Deng (University of Southern California)
时间:2021-04-09 10:00-11:00
The wave kinetic equation is a central topic in the theory of wave turbulence, which studies the mesoscopic limits of microscopic systems of interacting waves. Since its birth in the 1920s, this theory has been extensively studied in the physics literature, however the mathematical justification has long been open. In this talk we will summarize recent developments in this area, and present our contribution to this problem, which is joint work with Zaher Hani.
Bio: Yu Deng obtained his PhD at Princeton University in 2015, after attending Peking University and MIT as an undergraduate student. He is currently working at University of Southern California as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics. His research interest includes PDE, harmonic analysis and probability.
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