Distinguished Colloquium——Orbit Method: From Matrices to Unitary Representations
报告人:Chen-Bo Zhu (National University of Singapore)
时间:2021-10-15 09:00-10:00
地点:Online (Zoom Meeting)
Abstract: The talk is intended as a leisurely introduction to one of the fundamental tasks of representation theory: the construction of irreducible unitary representations. I will first discuss two major sources of unitary representations of Lie groups, one from Symplectic Geometry (Kirillov theory) and another from Number Theory (Langlands philosophy). I will then introduce a constructive method called theta lifting which has been fruitful for representations of classical groups and discuss some recent applications of this method to unitary representation theory.
Bio: Chen-Bo Zhu is a professor of mathematics at the National University of Singapore (NUS), having first joined NUS in 1991. He received his BSc from Zhejiang University, China in 1984, and his PhD from Yale University, USA in 1990. His research interests are in representation theory of Lie groups. Together with his collaborators, he has contributed to the branching problem of smooth representations, the theory of local theta correspondence, and recently his focus has been on unitary representation theory. He is a fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science.
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ID: 819-3008-5234
Password: 983788
Link: //zoom.us/j/81930085234?pwd=UDZ6bC9jRERGak1PMTdzbURUcDdidz09
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