Harmonic analysis of Mandelbrot cascades
时间:2024-11-04 14:00-15:00
地点:智华楼 丁石孙教室-111
We introduce the framework of the action by multiplicative cascades on finitely additive vector measures. Sevel applications will be discussed. Firstly, we solve the Mandelbrot-Kahane problem of determining the exact Fourier dimension of the canonical cascades measures and establish a second order phase transition in this setting. Secondly, we obtain certain Fourier restriction estimate for the cascade measures. Thirdly, we prove the global Holder continuity of the Graf-Mauldin-Williams random homeomorphisms of the unit interval. This talk is based on several joint works with Xinxin Chen, Yong Han and Zipeng Wang.
邱彦奇,国科大杭州高等研究院研究员,2007年从清华大学考入巴黎高等师范,2010年获巴黎六大数学硕士学位。2013年获得巴黎六大数学博士学位。2013至2015年在Aix-Marseille大学从事博士后研究工作。2015年通过选拔录取为法国国家科研中心 (CNRS) 副研究员。2017年在中科院数学所任副研究员,2019年晋升为研究员,2021到2023兼任武汉大学数学与统计伊人直播