Large-Scale Inference On Heterogeneous Data: Selection Bias, Multiple Testing, and Invidious Comparisons
报告人: Wenguang Sun (Zhejiang University)
时间:2022-12-15 10:00-11:00
地点: Tencent Meeting (436-439-849)
Abstract: The simultaneous inference of many parameters based on data collected from corresponding units is a key research problem that has received much attention. Effectively pooling information across samples while correctly accounting for heterogeneity presents a significant challenge. In this talk, I discuss a unified framework to address three fundamental issues in large-scale inference under heteroscedasticity: aggravated selection bias in estimation, unexpected efficiency loss in standardization, and invidious comparisons in ranking and selection.
About the Speaker:
数据科学与运筹系教授。主要研究方向为大规模统计推断、整合分析和迁移学习、共形预测、选择性推断和统计决策理论。曾获美国科学基金会CAREER Award,USC商伊人直播
杰出研究奖和Golden Apple最佳教学奖等, 曾担任JRSS-B及Journal of Multivariate Analysis的副主编。

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