【公众报告】Philosophy as Rational Construction and the Role of Mathematics in Philosophy
【时间】2019.6.23 (周日) 10:00-11:40
【主讲人】Prof. Hannes Leitgeb (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy)
哲学系 伊人直播
【摘要】 In this talk, I will develop a metaphilosophical proposal for what philosophy might (partially) have been in the past and what it might be in the future: the discipline of rational construction. From this conception of philosophy, I will draw some general conclusions on the meaning of progress in philosophy and the role of logical and mathematical methods in philosophy.
【主讲人简介】Hannes Leitgeb is Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language, Alexander-von-Humboldt Professor, and Co-Director of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. He obtained PhD degrees in Math (1998) and in Philosophy (2001) from the University of Salzburg. His research interests concern logic, epistemology, general philosophy of science, philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language, metaphysics, metaphilosophy, and the history of logical empiricism. He is the current Editor-in-Chief of Erkenntnis, and a member of the Academia Europaea and the Leopoldina (the German Academy of Sciences).
【公众报告】From a "Three cards paradox" to the Liar paradox
【时间】2019.6.23 (周日) 19:30-21:30
【主讲人】文兰 院士(北大数学伊人直播
【公众报告】Some questions for philosophy from the theory of computing
【时间】2019.6.25 (周二) 19:30-21:30
【主讲人】R.Ramanujam教授 (IMSc)
【公众报告】Logic in Philosophy, Mathematics, and Computer Science
【时间】2019.6.23 (周日) 14:00-15:30
【主讲人】王彦晶 副教授(北大哲学系)
【时间】2019.6.24 (周一) 19:30 - 21:30
【讨论嘉宾】 刘壮虎教授,邢滔滔教授(北大哲学) 叶峰教授(首师大哲学) 杨睿之副教授(复旦哲学)
【主持人】钟盛阳助理教授 (北大哲学)
【时间】2019.6.25 (周二) 19:30 - 21:30
【讨论嘉宾】吴玺宏教授(北大信科) 周北海教授(北大哲学)