报告人:Decai Liang (Peking University)
时间:2019-03-14 12:00-13:30
地点:Room 1418, Sciecnes Building No. 1
2015级博士研究生,师从姚方教授,研究方向为时空统计、函数型数据。曾在2017-2018学年访问美国迈阿密大学Yongtao Guan教授。
Abstract: Severe air pollution affects billions of people around the world, particularly in developing
countries such as China. Effective emission control policies rely primarily on proper assessment of air
pollutants and accurate spatial clustering outcomes. Unfortunately, emission patterns are difficult to
observe as they are highly confounded by many meteorological and geographical factors. The standard
clustering techniques generally fail to exploit the spatiotemporal features of data. We propose a novel
approach for modeling and clustering daily PM2.5 concentrations all over China. Observed concentrations
from monitoring stations are modeled as spatially dependent functional data. We assume the latent
emission processes originate from a functional mixture model with each component as a spatiotemporal
process. Cluster memberships of stations follow a Markov random field model and geographical factors
are also considered. The superior performance of our approach compared to others is demonstrated using
extensive simulation studies. Our method is effective in dividing China and also the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei
region into several regions based on PM2.5 concentrations, suggesting separate local emission control policies are needed.
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