Abstract: In this talk, we shall consider a special class of nonconvex Complex Quadratic Problems (CQP),
which finds many important and interesting applications in wireless communications. In this talk, we shall
first develop a new and Enhanced Complex SemiDefinite Program, called ECSDP, for the considered CQP
and then apply the ECSDP to MIMO detection, a fundamental problem in modern wireless communications.
As our main result, we show the tightness of the ECSDP for MIMO detection under an easily checkable condition.
This result answers an open question posed by So in 2010. Based on the ECSDP, we can also develop a
branch-and-bound algorithm for globally solving the MIMO detection problem (even though the above condition does not hold true).
处理和无线通信等领域中的应用,已在Mathematical Programming, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Mathematics
of Operations Research等优化期刊以及 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas
in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory等
通信大会“最佳论文奖”(由IEEE通信学会颁发),2015年WiOpt (International Symposium on Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks)“最佳学生论文奖”,2018年获数学与系统科学研究院
“陈景润未来之星”等。他目前担任《Journal of Global Optimization》期刊的客座编委。他是IEEE高级会员
(Senior Member)、亚太信号与信息处理学会(Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association)
无线通信和网络(Wireless Communications and Networking)方向的技术委员会成员(Technical Committee)。