Diffusion processes and control strategies on complex networks
主 题: Diffusion processes and control strategies on complex networks
报告人: 12级雷燕军博士 (伊人直播
时 间: 2016-06-08 12:00-13:15
地 点: 理科一号楼 1560(研究生午餐会)
The diffusion process and the control strategy attract more and more attentions in many applied research fields, such as gene expression, epidemic outbreak, social communication, traffic problem. In this talk, I will introduce main issues on complex networks, especially showing the explosive synchronization phenomenon. Then I will talk the diffusion on the static and activity-driven coupling networks. The probe-egocentric strategy we offered is effective, and promotes the understanding of how we can control the diffusion by immunizing active nodes via a local exploration. If time permits, I will also talk the spectrum of controlling complex network. 报名方式:请有意参加的老师在6月7日(周二)晚10点前发送邮件至
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