An Integrated Linear Reconstruction for Finite Volume Scheme on Unstructured Grids
主 题: An Integrated Linear Reconstruction for Finite Volume Scheme on Unstructured Grids
报告人: 陈里 (伊人直播
时 间: 2016-04-13 12:00 - 13:15
地 点: 理科一号楼1560
Linear reconstruction based on local cell-averaged values is the most commonly adopted technique to achieve a second-order accuracy when one uses the finite volume scheme on unstructured grids. For solutions with discontinuities appearing in conservation laws, a certain limiter has to be applied to the predicted gradient to prevent numerical oscillations. We propose a new formulation for linear reconstruction on unstructured grids, which integrates the prediction of the gradient and the limiter together. By solving on each cell a tiny linear programming problem without any parameters, the gradient is directly obtained which satisfies the monotonicity condition. Numerical results demonstrate that our method achieves satisfactory numerical accuracy with theoretical guarantee of local discrete maximum principle. 研究生学术午餐会是在伊人直播
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