信息科学系列报告(讨论班)—Formalizing Hybrid Systems with Event-B and the Rodin Platform
主 题: 信息科学系列报告(讨论班)—Formalizing Hybrid Systems with Event-B and the Rodin Platform
报告人: 苏雯 (上海大学计算机工程与科学伊人直播
时 间: 2017-04-05 13:00-15:00
地 点: 理科1号楼1303
Abstract: This talk contains the formal development of hybrid systems with Event-B and the Rodin Platform. It follows the seminal approach introduced at the turn of the century in Action Systems. Many examples that have been entirely proved with the Rodin Platform illustrate our approach. We propose to complement the Event-B/Rodin Platform approach with the usage of Matlab, either to simulate examples with some correct as well as incorrect set of parameters, or to use the analytical power of Matlab to complement the usage of Event-B.